Split Transactions

Eltay Member
edited December 2023 in Managing Your Transactions

I just moved over form Mint to Simplifi. I am really loving Simplifi except for how transaction are split. In Mint the transaction was actually split into individual transactions so I could add payee/description information and date for each split transaction. I like this because I like to split cash transactions so I need more than just a category assigned. I think the Mint way is better but unless something changes are there any suggestions on how to accomplish this?



  • LakGoy
    LakGoy Member
    edited November 2023

    I agree, I also prefer the way Mint does this where after splitting, each transaction shows up separately. That way you can mark part of the split as "Excluded from Reports/Spending". For example, if I pay for dinner at a restaurant and then my friend Venmo me back, I would ideally split this transaction and the other half would be marked as excluded. This way I can focus on what I actually spent.

    In terms of seeing my friend's 'refund' to me, once the on-going issues with Venmo account linking are resolved (it wasn't working as of 11/08/23), I will see an income of that amount. I would normally also mark this is excluded. But this balances out the entire situation.

    @Eltay It may be helpful to mark this discussion as a feature request if you can still edit this.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Eltay, thanks for posting!

    It looks like you submitted a feature request for this, which I went ahead and merged with our existing request. @LakGoy, I'd suggest taking a look here as well:

    In the meantime, I'm not personally too sure what to offer. Other users may come along with suggestions for you, and there may be some suggestions in the existing post I linked above. You mentioned being able to split transactions to separate Dates and Payees, so these might be good ideas to suggest in separate Idea posts as well (one request per Idea post).

    Sorry for not having a better answer, but I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie

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