Round Point Mortgage Incorrect URL

When selecting Round Point Mortgage, it tries to log me into "". However, the correct login URL should be "".
The following closed post says it's fixed. However, as you can see below, I'm not being redirected to the correct URL. Am I doing something wrong? When I search for "bkiconnect," I find other institutions but not Round Point. Please help.
Thank you
@AMD939, thanks for posting to the Community!
It looks like Roundpoint Mortgage is still returning an FDP-155 error in Quicken Simplifi, which means the bank is indefinitely or permanently blocking connection traffic. This has been discussed in a few other places here in the Community:
At this point, we recommend contacting the bank directly to help make them aware of the issue. Sorry for not having better news, but I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie