Date Picker Calendars across the app should have a start day of Sunday (edited)

RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 23 in Report a Bug

In the United States, every month-calendar (be it a calendar you buy at the calendar store at the malls this time of year, or even Google Calendar if that's your preferred online calendar) has Sunday as the first day of the week. In this calendar, Wednesday should be smack in the middle of the week.

For whatever reason, the calendars on the app were reverted such that Monday is the first day of the week.

I had them fix this before here:

But they recently decided to change it, and are not honoring the current status of that idea post.

In the USA, Sunday is considered the first day of the week (I say in the USA because this varies by what programmers might call a locale, a country-specific customization). Yes, other countries have different standards. Also, business calendars may have different standards based on what a business day is, but consumer calendars are not like that.

Right now Simplifi is the only calendar i am aware of online or off that uses Monday as the start day, and has thursday as the middle of the week.

I ask for your vote to end the insanity. I cannot believe I have to re-do an idea post.


Rob Wilkens



  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here's an example:

    Note how in the first answer when it retrieves the 1st day of the week for english-US, it returns Sunday.

    Follow the country's locale. Anything else is a bug.

    Rob Wilkens

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    My title was improperly edited —

    This is now an international app.

    I said it should be Sunday across the app for USA users.

    Other countries should have whatever is appropriate for that country, as determined from the locale settings.


    Rob Wilkens

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited January 10

    @RobWilk, thanks for the feedback!

    Since the part about USA users is in the description, and something like this would likely be a universal change, we will leave the title as-is for now. We try to keep Idea posts more general so our product team can review feedback regarding the request from a larger spectrum.

    Thanks for understanding, and have a great weekend!

    -Coach Natalie

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    It could be a Universal change, but since this is dynamic software, it should retrieve the start day of the week from the operating system using the locale settings. Depending on what the user's country and language is, it is dynamically retrievable as to what the right start day of the week is. It wouldn't need to be hard coded to.a particular day for all users, software is smart like that (or should be).

    I know you're going home within an hour or so - Enjoy your weekend (both of you). If I have more complaints, i'll bug Coach Kristina on the weekend :→.


    Rob Wilkens

  • Jenny T
    Jenny T Member ✭✭

    Please change this back to Sunday as start of the week. This unexpected change really threw me off when I was updating dates on transactions yesterday! The day of the week is the most helpful identifier for me when I update dates. I had already mostly stopped updating dates in app because the date picker doesn't include the day of the week and now the calendar in web requires me to pay close attention because it's not the standard Sun-Sat format. :(

  • mllcpa
    mllcpa Member
    edited January 13

    Before the latest big update to Simplifi, I had my calendar set up to run Sunday - Saturday. Now my calendar is set up Monday - Sunday, but I didn't make any changes to cause that to happen. I have searched everywhere for how to change it back to what I had, and I cannot find anything. I went to Help and asked the question there, and not only could the automated attendant not answer my question, but the live attendant after that could not as well. I would like all my calendars to look alike, and now my Simplifi calendar is out of whack. Please give me access to my calendar options so that I can fix this. Thank you.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 23

    Add Your vote here by clicking the up arrow next to the large number.

    Last I looked, 2 people voted for it, and for reasons beyond my comprehension, 1 person voted against it: [removed link to merged thread]

    I had them change it once before and they un-did it.

    Rob Wilkens

  • SRC54
    SRC54 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 23

    I don't quite understand this. Probably my fault, but in Bills and Payments, the Calendar is Sunday through Saturday. It's only when you are scheduling recurring payments that you see M-Sunday. Am I missing something?

    This doesn't bother me as M-F are business days and Sa-Su are weekends, but sure, it should be consistent.

    Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
    Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 2009

  • I believe Quicken has the capability to allow the user to change this calendar nonsense to their liking. Do they want to control the app or allow us, the consumer to adjust it to our needs which would make it more "user friendly"? Which is it Quicken? Besides, what will you do next to appease the minority of users? Change the currency? Eliminate the decimal point? Maybe it's time to look for another app.

  • er.lorenz
    er.lorenz Member
    edited January 23

    I came here to find the solution to this as well. Having the week start day on Monday completely throws me off as I am in the US too and generally, the start date is Sunday. It hasn't messed my account up in terms of missing a bill or something yet but if it does, you can bet I will be looking to cancel my Simplifi account. At least give people the option to pick their own week start day.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    The mobile app appears to have calendars right. Can we all agree it is a bug if the web app is inconsistent with the mobile app.

    Rob Wilkens

  • KB2014
    KB2014 Member ✭✭
    edited January 23

    Yes, this is clearly a mistake by Quicken team. I'm almost positive the calendars correctly displayed Sunday through Saturday until very recently. I'm not aware of a single banking site I use that shows the calendar any other way, and for the first time today I went to enter a future transaction and couldn't figure out what was wrong at first. I thought Quicken had the dates wrong. I double checked to make sure the year was right. Then I finally noticed the MTWTFSS headings. WTF? Don't change that on the fly. More importantly, don't change it at all. If someone on the Quicken team has a pet peeve and thinks the rest of us are using poorly laid out calendars, then at most offer us the option of choosing which day starts the week. Trying to enter transactions when you switch to a seldom-used calendar format is NOT COOL! Please fix it ASAP. Thanks.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello everyone,

    We have discovered that this calendar change was not intentional, and have submitted a bug report to fix the issue. We thank you all for your feedback and patience. We will be sure to post here when we have more information going forward.

    -Coach Jon


  • EL1234
    EL1234 Member ✭✭✭✭

    I also noticed this very recently. Glad it's going to be fixed. Thank you!

  • snyded
    snyded Member

    Just noticed this today as I went to pay some bills. The sooner the better for this to be fixed (again).

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I just noticed that another app I use, Strava, also has an unchangeable start-of-week date as "Monday." (No, I'm not an athlete and wouldn't be confused for one, but I'm trying to use fitness apps to encourage myself to move more and eat less.)

    At this point, as-is, I'm getting used to the way it is. Still, I am hoping the fix comes sooner than later.


    Rob Wilkens