Yearly Spending Plan Capabilities

Many Monthly Spending Plan Categories, like clothing expenses, are really a yearly budget and not a monthly budget.
I'd like to roll over my planned budget dollars from one month, if not used, into the next month.
At the end of the year I'd like to see a full comparison per month with yearly totals of budget vs. actuals.
I would also like notifications about approaching yearly limits the same way I get notifications for monthly limits.
There are open feature requests for two of the items above as far as I know. Per Simplifi community guidelines, only include one item per feature request. It is better to start with more than one vote for a request to be considered.
- Rollover
- Comparison against last year's budget
- Notifications approaching yearly limits. This one looks like a new feature request. I defer to the coaches to make this thread request that specific feature unless they find something else.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present