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Re: FDP-108 with Laurel Road (edited)
Success. I was able to reset the connection and the transactions downloaded.
Re: Citibank account - transaction just vanished in Quicken.
monitoring forum posts by email, feels like a lot of people have recently reported transactions that appeared and disappeared. I have not noticed this myself, though.
Re: Planned Spending Categories not showing correctly. (edited)
This issue is fixed for me. My parent categories show accurate transaction counts for all subcategories in the spending plan tiles.
Re: Exporting transactions from reports no longer includes parent categories (edited)
Ursula - Thank you for confirming this. The spending report download used to include the parent categories, and this only recently changed. So I hope that it can be corrected on Simplifi's end of things. Otherwise the download from Spending/Reports isn't useful, since it doesn't include the appropriate categories.
Re: Ability to Create Transaction Rules for Amounts and Accounts [edited] (7 Merged Vote)
Across multiple accounts, I can receive a transaction like "Online Payment Thank You". I would like to apply a different name to this transaction like "American Express - Payment" or "Citibank - Payment" depending on the account in which it arrives. I would like to suggest an enhancement to the matching rules so that they can apply to ALL accounts or to SELECTED accounts (such as one or more accounts).
Re: Planned Spending Rollover: Share your feedback here!
Hi @donnajean
An interesting idea. What I do instead of setting savings goals, whatever I have leftover at the end of the month, I consider savings. The more I have the more I win.
Also, I have a checking account that pays bonus interest so I set it as a savings account so my savings is reflected that way too.
I realize this won't work for most. BTW, I agree with you about rollover spending categories. I just adjust them each month. I don't do rollover.
Re: [ONGOING] 5/8/24: Midwest Loan Services Inc returns a 101 error
ONGOING 5/28/24
This Alert is still listed as ongoing and there is currently no ETA on a resolution. We will be sure to post back when an update or resolution becomes available, so please bookmark this Alert to receive those notices when they occur.
We appreciate everyone's patience!
[ONGOING] 5/8/24: Midwest Loan Services Inc returns a 101 error
We are currently seeing an issue with Midwest Loan Services Inc returning a 101 error in Quicken Simplifi. This is a known issue that we are working to resolve as quickly as possible. We currently have no ETA to provide on when a resolution can be expected, but will post updates as soon as we do.
If you would like to be automatically notified of any updates regarding this issue, please "bookmark" this Alert by clicking the bookmark ribbon in the upper right corner.
Thank you!
Re: Ability to download or print Reports [edited] (1 Merged Vote)
Re: Ability to download or print Reports [edited] (1 Merged Vote)
It would be great to have a PDF/Print a clean report on your net worth page that could be saved/downloaded for which ever month you want (both current day MTD and previous months). This would be extremely useful and handy for private records, being able to send to lenders, etc. This feature isn't aviable to my knowedge on any other similar program and would be a huge bonus to an already great program.