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Re: Manual Account Balance not showing
@J3tSk!3 Yes, definitely delete the opening balance and try something else. I find there are different ways to skin a cat. Good luck!

Re: Add Percentages to Reports [edited] (1 Merged Vote)
While it is nice that the watchlists include percentages, it will be ideal if reports included a percentage option as well.

Re: Manual Account Balance not showing
Thanks Steve. My balances still remain at zero. Maybe I should zero the opening balance and add the account balance as a transaction?

Re: Allow a manual update of the balance on manual accounts (edited)
Yes, that works well for me. When adjusting the balance to be higher, add a + sign in front of the amount.

Re: Allow a manual update of the balance on manual accounts (edited)
you can create a transaction with the category "balance adjustment"

Re: Empower 401K
Mine seems to be working most of the time. Perhaps a monitor could b3 built to monitor for Empower responses with a retry on any that fail during the batch. The retry could be designed to retry every 5-10 m8 utes during Emmpower’s non-restricted window, to avoid overwhelming their servers. It’s possible that many aggregators like Simplifi have programmed their batch update requests to begin at exactly when the non-restricted window opens, resulting in timeouts for some accounts.
Re: Manual Account Balance not showing
@J3tSk!3 I find this happens from time to time with Manual accounts but they often resolve in 24 hrs. I have one this morning that is $10 off. Nothing I tried worked so I added an account adjustment but later, it will be right, and I'll have to delete the adjustment.
It sounds like you haven't added an transactions yet to your manual accounts. If that is so, you can delete the opening transactions and start over to see if that fixes it. You can try signing in and out of your account though I find this rarely works for me. If that doesn't work you can delete the accounts and start over.
Or just wait to see what happens.

Re: Time Weighted Return + Cash Flow Transactions
I do have another investment account linked, but none of them have had deposits in the time that I've been using Simplifi. Just for completeness I did try adding a manual cash transaction (+1000 Payment/Deposit on 9/16) on my Robinhood account and observed the same behavior.
Similar to @UrsulaA I haven't taken a very serious look at performance before but I do generally remember seeing the weird stair step pattern when the feature first came out (that was part of the reason I didn't use this feature since it seemed to be showing incorrect data).

Re: Time Weighted Return + Cash Flow Transactions
I only have two connected investment accounts at Schwab @Coach Jon .

Re: Ability to use Transaction Rules/Quickfill for manual transactions (edited)
Hi. This is not a new idea particularly on your site. But I feel I can present it in a different way. I would like to request that the Simplifi Development Team add the feature to create and maintain Manual Entry Payee and Category Rules. I believe this feature will be used my a large portion of your Users and be able to draw in more Users that are currently using other Apps and Software.
Manual Entry is a preferred method for myself, and I am sure many others, because I check and maintain my finances on a daily and per transaction basis. So when I purchase something I like my account to reflect the expense or income immediately. Unfortunately banking apps, even when synced immediately, do not always reflect same day transactions. There are also accounts and financial institutions that do not connect with your software as of today. To me, this is a strong reason to add this feature to both the mobile and web apps.
The way these features would work is that once a Rule is created, you will be able to select a Payee from a selection menu when you are entering the Payee name. For Example: I make two purchases from Amazon. One is a gift. The other is a new item for my household. So, assuming I had already created the corresponding Manual Entry Payee and Category Rules, when I am creating my new Manual Transaction and begin entering the Payees name, a drop down menu with the Payees that have Manual Entry Rules associated with them display.
Steps: 1.) I have already created or imported my Manual Payee and Category Rules. 2.) I select the "+" icon to add a new transaction. 3.) I enter the transaction amount and date. 4.) I begin entering the Payee name. Back to the example. I have typed in "Amaz". 5.) A drop down menu appears displaying the Manual Entry Rules I have created: "1. Amazon - Gifts, 2. Amazon - Household, 3. Amazon - Pets, ...". 6.) I select an already made Manual Entry Rule or I enter a the same Payee name, but select a different Category best organizing this transaction.
This is somewhat similar to the Downloaded Entry Payee Rules, except instead if automatically assigning a Payee name and/or Category, the User can select the Rule they want to used based on the Payee name they are entering.