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Here, you can post your questions about using Quicken Business & Personal!60 discussions 177 comments Most recent: Can I move a business and its accounts to a new space in QBP? by DryHeat March 25
Feel free to introduce yourself and post any questions or feedback regarding the Community here!224 discussions 921 comments Most recent: Testing Quicken Business and Personal (Simplifi) - coming from Wave - initial feedback by Flopbot March 18
We'll post announcements regarding Quicken Simplifi and the Community here.
56 discussions 352 comments Most recent: Upcoming update for Citibank retail branded credit cards by Coach Natalie March 21
Here, you'll find Release Notes, new features, newly added banks, and other updates from our Product Team. Note: Product Update Announcements are for informational purposes only and are therefore closed to comments.
If there's an emerging issue with Quicken Simplifi, we'll post an alert here. Note: Community Alerts are for informational purposes only and are therefore closed to comments.
14 discussions 15 comments Most recent: [ONGOING] 02/19/25: Quicken Simplifi Tablet users not seeing "add planned spending" option by Coach Jon March 5
Here, you'll find all of the known issues related to Online Banking and Quicken Simplifi. Note: Community Alerts are for informational purposes only and are therefore closed to comments.
61 discussions 108 comments Most recent: [ONGOING] 03/11/25: HealthEquity returning 102/FI_TIMEOUT by Coach Jon March 25
Post your feedback and feature requests here!3.7K discussions 19.1K comments Most recent: Customize Budget Cycle (As Opposed to Month-to-Month) (3 Merged Votes) by stacyvance 1:45AM
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