Using Quicken Simplifi
Here, you can post your questions about using Quicken Simplifi!
Category List
You can earn badges in Quicken Simplifi for performing and completing certain tasks. Let us know if you have any questions!
6 discussions 53 comments Most recent: Prompt Payer Badge… I WAS doing so well! by DannyB December 2024
Have questions or concerns about adding and updating your accounts in Quicken Simplifi? Post here!
1.5K discussions 9.9K comments Most recent: Target Circle Card unable to add accounts by Claudia 1:01PM
You can use Quicken Simplifi to easily track your Recurring Bills and Income. Let us know if you have questions!
163 discussions 589 comments Most recent: How can I request Quicken to fix broken biller connections? by Mr Robot March 9
Need help with your Categories or Tags in Quicken Simplifi? Let us know here!
Have general questions or need help with your first-time setup? Post here!
132 discussions 443 comments Most recent: How to track net worth over time? (edited) by RobWilk March 21
You can post about using Investments in Quicken Simplifi here.
89 discussions 588 comments Most recent: Robinhood Cash separate from stock / Duplication by rmquick25 March 21
Having trouble? Get some help.
401 discussions 1.9K comments Most recent: Simplifi incorrectly auto-naming and auto-categorizing and hasn't learned from corrections by Coach Kristina March 22
Have questions about using Savings Goals in Quicken Simplifi? Let us know!
57 discussions 180 comments Most recent: Using Savings Goals for Quarterly, Semi-Annual, and Yearly Bills by KP_9 February 16
You can post about using Space Sharing here!
8 discussions 19 comments Most recent: Ability to easily switch account, profile or budget by Coach Jon May 2024
Your Quicken Simplifi Dashboard can tell you a lot with just a glance! Please let us know if you have questions.
11 discussions 22 comments Most recent: Is there a way to export the Spending Plan to CSV? (edited) by oldit51 January 21
Have questions about budgeting and using the Spending Plan? Post here!
153 discussions 565 comments Most recent: My bills Are Not Linking to the Spending Plan by Coach Jon March 11
Whether recurring or one-time, let us know if you have questions about using Transfers!
14 discussions 49 comments Most recent: Transfers detected as withdrawals and income by RobWilk January 15
Let us know here if you have any questions about using Watchlists in Quicken Simplifi.
18 discussions 53 comments Most recent: Watchlists not working for over a year by Coach Jon February 26
Popular Tags
- Online Banking 3,124
- Transactions 1,356
- Feature Request 1,340
- Spending Plan 882
- Known Issue 762
- Accounts 745
- Reports 507
- Recurring 479
- Mobile 452
- Web 354
- Investments 352
- Savings Goals 347
- Product Updates 314
- Feedback 312
- Categories 234
- Cash Flow 190
- Transaction Rules 176
- Import 160
- Simplifi Subscription 149
- Watchlist 147
- Bill Connect 147
- #Letusknow 131
- Dashboard 124
- Community 124
- Planned Spending 118