Best Of
Can you please add the connector (edited)
Moving to you from Mint and cannot connect to MBNA Canada:
- I've auto-migrated all my Mint accounts to Simplifi OK (thanks for that!)
- but syncing MBNA does not work because you support only 2 US Banks issuing MBNA credit cards.
- MBNA business in Canada is owned by TD Bank here, but they have a separate site for us:
Thank you!
Net Worth Report Shortcut from Accounts List (edited)
Can we get a shortcut to the Net Worth Report from the current Net Worth displayed on the dashboard and account list in the Web App?
Add a separate Retirement bucket to the Account Types (edited)
Getting too cute with the specific type of retirement account (some kinds are still not even included). Why not just have a 'retirement' bucket someone can select instead of listing 10 different kinds that are shown together anyway?
NEW 10/1/24: T. Rowe Price Retirement Plans returns a 176 error
We are currently seeing an issue with T Rowe Price Retirement Plans returning a 176 error in Quicken Simplifi. This is a known issue that we are working to resolve as quickly as possible. We currently have no ETA to provide on when a resolution can be expected, but will post updates as soon as we do.
If you would like to be automatically notified of any updates regarding this issue, please "bookmark" this Alert by clicking the bookmark ribbon in the upper right corner.
Thank you!
Show Previous Month Totals on Watchlist tiles (edited)
I love the watchlist summary page (the one with all the tiles of each watchlist). But, I don't like that it can only show "this month". I want to be able to show any previous month in the watchlist summary page. (I understand that I can get past months' of each individual watchlist by clicking on the watchlist, but I would really like to see the summary of any previous month with all tiles at once).
Let me know if that makes sense.
Another user asked for the same thing on Dec 11:
"I would love to have prior month spending watchlists in the same summary format as current spending watchlist format. Unfortunately, i can only see a rounded total of expense for prior months in each watchlist and the individual transactions. Would be great to at least have the prior month's spending not be a rounded total and show to the penny instead."
Ability to edit the Notes field inline in Reports, Watchlists, and the Spending Plan (edited)
Currently, notes for transactions can only be edited inline from the transaction list. When the notes field appears on the reports area, inline editing of notes is not allowed. Instead, the transaction opens for the user to edit the notes.
I request for notes to be editable inline in the reports view/area.
@Max1223 vote for this as I saw you asking about it elsewhere.
Re: PennyMac domain change from to
I have used Quicken in some form for over 20 years, and I'm sure with most users as well, Quicken has always had a great reputation of being a reliable tool to use for personal finances. Quickens reputation and confidence has now been greatly tarnished and diminished. Especially being a paid solution and with other free solutions immediately fixing the issue with Pennymac without delay.
If this is not going to be fixed in a timely manner, then please let the community know so that we can move on to another platform.
I feel that Quicken needs to be fully transparent and give the community a realistic timeline of resolution, as well as some form of concession as once again this is a paid solution in which we cannot fully utilize and have not been able to for a number of months.
Report Breakdown by Sub-Category
3 related feature requests:
- "spending over time" reports do not allow a breakdown by sub-category. Pls add.
- "Total Spending" reports do not support a drill down to sub-category on mobile. Pls add.
- After drilling down to sub-category (only allowed on web - see #2 above), further drill down is supported, but the end result is a category of just one thing (the same sub category - which isn't useful as that information is really a drill down at all). It'd be better to make this third drill down automatically transition to "payees". eg., drilling down from "Food" [category] to "Restaurants" [sub category] .. and then further to "Payees" would reveal a breakdown of {"Starbucks", "Red Robin", …etc.)
I would find any / all of the above related features extremely valuable.
FWIW, I love this Simpli. It is the best personal finance tool out there [period]. Thanks for continuing to advance it.