Using splits (multiple categories) in Recurring Transactions (4 Merged Votes)

SimplifiBeta Member ✭✭
edited August 2022 in Feature Requests

I don't seem to be able to setup a split on my recurring insurance payments. These are monthly transactions that include auto, home, RV and umbrella policies on a single payment to my insurance company. Am I missing something?

288 votes

In Review · Last Updated

This Idea has been submitted for review!



  • scottnamo
    scottnamo Member ✭✭

    It does not appear that you can split a recurring transaction, which seems really strange. How do you set up regular in coming pay to go to different categories? This is possible on every other financial software, including the old desktop quicken. Simple things just don't seem that simple.

    I figure I just must be missing something???

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @scottnamo Thanks for your comment! There's an existing discussion where some of our other users have also asked for the ability to split recurring income. You can add your vote to this discussion to move that function up our priority list.

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @MrGood My apologies. Currently, there is no way in Simplifi to match a recurring reminder to only one part of a split transaction, since a split acts as a record of how you classify parts of a transaction, and doesn't actually move funds. However, we welcome suggestions from our users on features and functions like this that they'd like to see implemented in Simplifi. I encourage you to post the idea in the Feedback section of this Community, which will also give other users a chance to "vote" on the suggestion, and move it up our priority list. Thanks for your comments!

  • bcrossman
    bcrossman Member ✭✭✭✭

    Making “split” transactions separate and independent transactions, like Mint does, would be one way to address this issue. Then each portion of the split transaction could have its own category, tag, note, and recurring assignment.

    This would also help solve some of the problems when exporting split transactions, like the loss of payee and tag data.

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @bcrossman Thanks for that suggestion. You might want to start a new Feedback topic yourself on changes you'd like to see inhow Simplifi handles split transactions, if @MrGood doesn't beat you to it!

  • MrGood
    MrGood Member ✭✭✭✭

    I split my incoming paychecks into the underlying components (e.g., gross pay, taxes, health insurance, 401k, etc...). However, I am unable to match a recurring transaction to an underlying split component of a downloaded transaction. For example, I have a recurring transaction for my gross pay but matching it to the downloaded split transaction wipes out the split details. Is there a way around this?

  • MrGood
    MrGood Member ✭✭✭✭

    I split my paycheck into the various deductions (e.g., taxes, 401k, health insurance, life insurance, etc.). Is there a way to create recurring transactions for these types of items (e.g., taxes, 401k, etc...) and be able to "link" these to the underlying split paycheck components in the Spending Plan?

    Currently, what I have been doing is entering recurring transactions for these but since I cannot link them to a split transaction, I merely just DELETE the reminder transaction. This way, at least my "Left to Spend" is accurate, though the split transactions will ultimately always show as discretionary spend (vs. ideally under 'bills & subscriptions').

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @MrGood I've merged your most recent posts on this subject with an existing Feedback topic that includes other users' requests and comments about setting up recurring transaction reminders for parts of split transactions. I encourage you to cast your vote to add this option to Simplifi by checking the counter in the first post in this discussion. We appreciate your feedback!

  • grichards
    grichards Unconfirmed, Member

    I'd like to add my vote too.

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @grichards I've gone ahead and merged this discussion with the one noted in the link in the previous message, to keep all of these comments in one place, but I've also updated the total on that discussion to include your vote. Thanks for your interest in Simplifi!

  • AZDoodle
    AZDoodle Member

    The ability to have reoccurring split transactions is needed. Having to write down the splits to enter them the next time (mortgage, loans, paycheck, etc. all have split categories) and remember where They are stored sort of defeats the purpose of the software.

  • asubbaiyanprof
    asubbaiyanprof Member ✭✭✭✭

    I agree; it's a must to have a feature to streamline both recurring incomes and expenses and set line items to remove from reporting; for example, I have a recurring bill for a cell phone, which I share with my friend.

  • seascorpio82
    seascorpio82 Member ✭✭
    I'm surprised we're still talking about this. I asked for this last November as I'm just being reminded, and just had to go back to Quicken because Simplifi was just too new... One of the things I couldn't do without was split transactions as we're speaking of in this thread. Is it a difficult task to accomplish this? Or does it just not appear it's something enough people want?

    Seattle, WA

  • wallywanna
    wallywanna Member ✭✭
    edited December 2020
    I agree.  I can not use Simplify without this ability and will just go back to the [removed] app.
  • Yes, having to re-split a bill every single month is problematic. Also, I agree with bcrossman above, suggesting SimpliFi allow us to treat each split line as its own transaction so we can apply a note, tags, whatever to just that part of the transaction, not the whole thing. This would also improve the reports, which show the full transaction in the list below, even though only a portion of it is applied to the category being reported.
  • JayT
    JayT Member ✭✭
    edited March 2021
    I agree, this is a must have feature! There really is no need to have a "vote" on if this feature is worth adding. Splitting recurring transactions should be a default feature in this day and age for a personal finance tool. I personally split and gross up my paychecks to track various employer deducted costs and taxes, among other uses. Splitting recurring transactions allows me to not have to repeat this pain-staking process with each paycheck. I currently use Quicken Desktop (which has this) and this is a must have feature for me to officially make the move. I am disappointed to see this feature has yet to be added since I last trialed Simplifi a year ago. Please consider adding this feature! Thank you.
  • JayT
    JayT Member ✭✭
    Any update on this feature possibly getting on the road map? Thank you.
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @JayT,

    Thanks for the inquiry, although I apologize that this request is still not on the roadmap, as far as I know. Please be sure to stay tuned for future updates, however! :smiley:

    -Coach Natalie
  • n2it
    n2it Member ✭✭
    This seem like a pretty simple change... especially since there is already a schema designed in the transaction table for splits (you'd think the recurring transaction should have and almost identical model/schema and that you'd be able to re-use a lot of the existing ui components already built to deal with splits from the transactions).
  • JayT
    JayT Member ✭✭
    Looks like we have some good momentum on this product idea, with 34 up-votes. Any update from the development team? Thanks!
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @JayT,

    Good morning, and thanks for the inquiry!

    Sadly, this one hasn't made it to the road map quite yet. Please be sure to stay tuned for future updates, though! :blush:

    -Coach Natalie
  • This is unfortunate.  I'd like to shift from Quicken to Simplifi, but have dozens of these split transactions every month - each of which is tied to a reminder that automatically posts to the pertinent account ahead of the recurring dates.  
  • JVM
    JVM Member
    I would like to see the option to split a recurring transaction, like a paycheck from which deductions are taken. I want to see how much money is deducted for items like federal and state taxes and health insurance. As the software exists now, the split must be made on each entry.
  • I would love to see the feature to remember a split and apply it the next time this transactions gets downloaded, expense and income.
  • Any updates on this? I’m using the free version in exploration of switching from another budgeting app and this feature would seal the deal for me. Otherwise, I’ll keep using my current app until this feature is added. Thanks!
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @lwbudget,

    Thanks for reaching out, although I'm sorry to say that there's no update on this request as of yet.

    Please be sure to continue following along for future updates, though! I personally would love to see this ability in Simplifi. :smile:

    -Coach Natalie