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Category List
This is a place where mini-FAQs or helpful Community threads can be placed for easy reference!
37 discussions 80 comments Most recent: How can I make sure I'm using the latest version of Simplifi? by Coach Natalie February 5
Who are you, why are you here, and why are you interested in Quicken Simplifi?
62 discussions 244 comments Most recent: my name is Grace, I'm new (edited) by Coach Kristina March 15
A place for users to hang out and get to know each other better!
81 discussions 442 comments Most recent: It's Spring! Tell us your favorite Springtime activity! by SRC54 March 9
Popular Tags
- Online Banking 3,124
- Transactions 1,355
- Feature Request 1,340
- Spending Plan 882
- Known Issue 762
- Accounts 745
- Reports 507
- Recurring 479
- Mobile 452
- Web 354
- Investments 352
- Savings Goals 347
- Product Updates 314
- Feedback 311
- Categories 234
- Cash Flow 190
- Transaction Rules 176
- Import 160
- Simplifi Subscription 149
- Watchlist 147
- Bill Connect 147
- #Letusknow 131
- Dashboard 124
- Community 124
- Planned Spending 118