Dashboard - Holdings Tile - Restore Functionality Prior to Top Movers (edited)

today32 Member
edited November 2024 in Feature Requests

Previous to the most recent October update, the Holdings section pane would display the stock symbol, the number of shares held, and the total value. After the update, it now just displays the "Top 10 movers today" by percent or by value.

Can you please restore the old functionality? When new things are added, the old functionality should not be removed.

Holdings Section Pane should by default display:
Top 10 Holdings by value (# of shares * current share price, sorted from highest to lowest)

Data Columns:
Symbol, # of shares held, current share price, total value

Ideally on the Dashboard, we ought to have control over which section panes are shown, what order they are laid out on the screen, and have the ability to modify settings within each section pane that determine what information is displayed.


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