Why are pending transactions that I create with a date in the future automatically added to Bills

Philk Member ✭✭✭

I am seeking a technical answer for why pending transactions that are created, are added as a reminder, and not as transaction with a pending transaction when a date in the future is entered.

Not having future pending transactions prevents seeing pending account balances (future Balance).

In Quicken Desktop, I can enter bills from the reminders list, into an account, and the account balance will be reflected after each transaction., Both cleared and uncleared.

So I ask, why is Simplifi preventing pending transactions from generating a pending balance?


Former Quicken Desktop user 1984 -2023. Currently Testing Simplifi as its replacement.


Best Answers


  • Philk
    Philk Member ✭✭✭

    @Coach Natalie @RobWilk

    Neither of you answered the question.

    As I understand it you don't know why it is programmed to perform this way.

    This is in my opinion a defect, and apparently opinions of this community don't seem to matter, based on the number of unresolved issues after many years now.


    Former Quicken Desktop user 1984 -2023. Currently Testing Simplifi as its replacement.

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Philk

    I'm a user of Q-Simplifi. I am not a program designer or programmer and have no link to Quicken-Simplifi beyond my being a user. So, take my attempt to speak to your question for what it's worth and not as an official technical statement… and I too will probably fail to address what you are asking, but here are my thoughts anyway.

    Simply put, I would say the "defect" you are curious about is by design. Q-Simplifi is not designed to be a full-fledged accounting package. Q-Simplifi is, instead, an app that is THIS MONTH focused and is designed to help one keep spending in alignment with income in the current month. Q-Simplifi is a tool that gives me a platform to capture all my recurring income, fixed and flexible expenses both non-discretionary and discretionary including saving goal contributions and shows me where I'm at and how much I have available (or not available) for any extra spending or saving I want to do in a given month. And IMHO, Q-Simplifi does this very well.

    As a result of the THIS MONTH focus of Q-Simplifi it makes perfect sense that bank account registers in Q-Simplifi serve the Spending Plan and not vice versa. Again, without claiming to know the minds of the designers, it is apparent that a bank register centric app was not the intention of Q-Simplifi.

    That a manually entered future dated transaction would become a reminder rather than what it seems you are asking for is a result of the Spending Plan centric nature of Q-Simplifi by design and not a defect.

    What you seem to be asking for is indeed part of the conversation in this forum as exemplified in this extended discussion following on a feature request to add a reconciliation feature to Q-Simplifi:

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • Philk
    Philk Member ✭✭✭


    Well Said! I suspect…fear, you are correct. It would be nice to see a formal full description of the applications intentions, and purpose. I tried finding such a prospectus and could not find one.

    With respect to reconciliation…I'm not having a problem the methodology Simplifi has employed. The REVIEWED checkmark is essentially confirmation the transaction is correct.

    The one thing I am seriously having a hard time letting go of, from the OLD SCHOOL QUICKEN (Desktop), is seeing a pending Balance for my primary checking account.

    Simplifi is teasing me, and or misleading me with an option for PENDING BALANCE.

    If I manually add Pending transactions, dated today or older, they will immediately change the affected account balance on the left. I don't have go look somewhere else in some obscure place called: BILLS & PAYMENTS > CASHFLOW.

    Everything I Need and want to see is available in one screen… TRANSACTIONS

    1.) I can see all cleared transactions, including the pending transactions that are not recurring, and the balance is reflected.

    2.) I can see recurring transactions…however they have no impact in pending balance…even if past due.

    3.) I can see all account balances…. unfortunately, they don't live up to the option of "Balance with pending."

    There are many advantages of Simpilifi over Quicken, notably seeing everything in one screen, with relatively little effort involved in comparison.


    Former Quicken Desktop user 1984 -2023. Currently Testing Simplifi as its replacement.

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭


    I will point you to these support articles that may provide further

    I’ll be interested to hear if these articles help you further understand Q-Simplifies relationship to bank account data.

    I believe your main issue, if I’m hearing you right, has to do with entering future dated transactions into your account register and one of these articles clearly states that only transactions dated for the current day or past dates will affect the bank balance.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • Philk
    Philk Member ✭✭✭


    Thank you for understanding the issue: Yes, your examples do help explain their misguided theory.

    I can live without the running balance column…if there is a pending (future) balance for planned expenditures... And currently there is with a severe restriction for future dates.

    My current workaround has been to enter the transactions with today's date to forecast the future balance and then edit later.

    This workaround proves you can use Simplifi with a future pending Balance. We are given options to see the bank balance or Pending balance for our accounts. So now they should give us the option to enter future transactions with a pending status…so that we can enjoy the benefits of knowing a future balance…from the transactions page.

    I don't see a technical reason that prevents use of future dates in transactions, if you or someone can explain why I can add transactions today that haven't reached the bank yet, and correctly calculates the "running balance" because I chose the Balance with Pending option.

    I believe the same would be true for future transactions…just as it does for today's transaction the bank does not see either.


    Former Quicken Desktop user 1984 -2023. Currently Testing Simplifi as its replacement.

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Philk I’m glad to hear I’ve been able to help clarify things. I’ll take the point of view that “their” theory is not misguided The way Q-Simplifi is set up and functions works better for me than all the other finapps I’ve used or tried over the years including Q-Classic which I used for about 20 years.

    Remember, Q-Simplifi is Spending Plan centric. The accounts list and associated account transaction registers deal only with bank provided data. You can make manual entries for the purpose of keeping the current bank reported balance accurate but but they are simply not set up to be nor can you use them as fully dynamic registers.

    The “Balance with pending” feature is strictly a way for Q-Simplifi to deal with pending transaction IF, and ONLY IF, the bank includes pending transactions at the bank. It is not a feature that turns on or allows user entry of future dated transactions. Turning that feature on or off has to do with what the bank includes in its data downloads. For example, Wells Fargo does not include pending transaction in my account at the bank in its download data. This is the Banks decision for whatever reason. Thus I have the “Balance with pending” feature turned off for my Wells Fargo accounts. The balance that Simplifi shows me in this case is my actual bank balance with no pending transactions at the bank included. When I log into my WF account and look at the data for my accounts I see two balances. My actual balance and my balance taking into account any pending transactions. But when Q-Simplifi reaches out to WF to update my account data, Wells Fargo only sends out the first balance along with ONLY transaction that are fully processed and paid. I certainly can go ahead and manually enter the pending transactions listed by WF to see in Q-Simplifi my balance with pending, but I have yet to see any advantage to this. As far as future dated expenses go, these are all included in my Spending Plan - I’ll come back to this below.

    On the other hand, Citi does include pending transactions in their data downloads for my Citi credit card (the only account I have at Citi) and so I have Balance with pending turned on for my Citi account thus telling Q-Simplifi to expect my balance to include pending unpaid charges sitting in my account waiting to be paid. Either way, Q-Simplifi provides me with an accurate rendering of my current account balances as of today.

    The account registers in Simplifi are not dynamic registers, for lack of a better term, as they are in Quicken Classic. Q-Classic bank registers act more like the old time paper checkbook register in which you could do all the calculations you wanted and then when your statement arrived complete with all your processed physical checks you could do your monthly reconciliation to make sure what you have as a balance in your checkbook matches what the bank says you have in your account. Q-Simplifi’s registers are not that.

    The action in Q-Simplifi takes place in the Spending Plan. In my Spending Plan I have listed all of my fixed expenses including funds I set aside each month for various non monthly expenses and some long term goals. I also have all of my expected income listed. Finally I have created pools of money I expect to spend on my flexible expenses. All of this is FUTURE DATED at the beginning of each month and for all future months out to one year. If I’ve built my plan honestly and throughll, I have a close to reality view of my personal financial state for the month. And beyond this month for 12 months into the future. It is here that I can make adjustments and track how well I’m following my plan. For me this is fully acceptable and makes perfect sense for how this finapp works in alignment with its stated purpose.

    If you really want a dynamic account register that allows full flexibility, you will probably need to stick with Q-Classic or try some of the other finapps that are available and more account register centric.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • Philk
    Philk Member ✭✭✭

    @DannyB I appreciate your thoughtful response to my concerns, it is truly refreshing. I respect your opinion of your vision of how this should function, though it differs from my own.

    I have become very fond of the methodologies employed in this app, as it relates to finance management. It is far from perfect; it lacks certain popular functions other finapps have, but it also has features others do not. Unfortunately, the functionality of a few near and dear features has limitations and/or fail in reliable execution. Bill Connect is one such feature, as wells as the ability to add transactions with a future date. The app appears to have a robust aggregator for institutional data, certainly better the Q-Classic…which is a large reason I left after 40 years. Not to mention the many issues with Bill Connect as well as numerous other problems over the years.

    I respectfully disagree that Simplifi cannot perform in the way I described earlier. Despite whether it gets the pending data from the bank, or from the transaction list…the account balance does reflect a different balance than reported from the bank when transactions are added from the transactions list, which the bank has yet to see or process.

    So what baffles me is why any transaction I add with a date less than tomorrow is acceptable in Simplifi, but tomorrow is not…just makes no sense to me.


    Former Quicken Desktop user 1984 -2023. Currently Testing Simplifi as its replacement.

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Philk You'll need someone from Q-Simplifi to answer that question.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • Philk
    Philk Member ✭✭✭


    We'll see…


    Former Quicken Desktop user 1984 -2023. Currently Testing Simplifi as its replacement.

  • Philk
    Philk Member ✭✭✭

    I'm adding this link to a relevent feature request, for consideration when my feedback is reviewed by staff.


    Former Quicken Desktop user 1984 -2023. Currently Testing Simplifi as its replacement.

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