Updates From the Product Team
Here, you'll find Release Notes, new features, newly added banks, and other updates from our Product Team. Note: Product Update Announcements are for informational purposes only and are therefore closed to comments.
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Popular Tags
- Online Banking 2,686
- Feature Request 1,227
- Transactions 1,219
- Spending Plan 836
- Known Issue 670
- Accounts 644
- Reports 450
- Recurring 419
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- Savings Goals 322
- Web 308
- Investments 301
- Product Updates 281
- Feedback 262
- Categories 204
- Cash Flow 172
- Transaction Rules 150
- Import 148
- Simplifi Subscription 141
- Watchlist 136
- Bill Connect 131
- #Letusknow 123
- Dashboard 121
- Community 111
- Budgeting 106