Automatic recommendations for sending money to Savings Goals or Planned Spending (edited)

eMoneyBagz Member
edited August 2024 in Feature Requests

Please consider coding a feature where Simplifi can recommend that you send X amount of money to a "bucket" (e.g. savings account and/or planned expense)

Example: I am paid weekly and my wife is paid monthly. We have our Savings and Planned Expenses built for the month and would like to know when the best time after each paycheck would be to send money to savings or in out "buckets" of spending money.

Example 2: Say I get paid $50 each week, I want to send $100 to savings each month, and we have $20 in bills each week.

The app would tell me that I have $30 left over after bills this week and could be sent into savings or other planned expenses.

Hopefully that makes sense!

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