Property and Debt Panel shows zero dollars Debt

Hello @millsmn,
Thank you for coming to the Community to bring this issue to our attention! I tested in my app and see the same thing you report seeing. To help contribute to the investigation of this issue, please provide additional information. What device(s) are you seeing this on (for example, iPhone 14)? Which version of iOS is on that device(s)? You can check that on most Apple devices by tapping on Settings>General>About.
Please also send logs. You can do that by following these steps:
- Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
- Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
- With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
- Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.
I look forward to your response!
-Coach Kristina
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Hi Kristina - I am using an iPhone 14 with iOS 17.6.1. This problem only occurs on the app, not the desktop/web version. Is there a different way to send logs from the iPhone app?
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Thank you for your reply,
Thank you for providing the additional information!
To answer your question about sending logs from the mobile app, currently, it's possible to send logs from the desktop/web version only. Depending on what is causing the issue, the information from the logs may still be helpful.
Thank you!
-Coach Kristina
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I'm seeing the same issue as well on the Android app v5.12.2 (37764).
I was asked to send the logs but there's no option to do that either from the mobile app.
As the previous user stated the issue of debt showing a zero figure is only a problem on the mobile app and not on the web version, so sending the logs from the web interface didn't seem like a useful thing to do.
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Hello @vchan,
Thanks for reaching out! We can understand the confusion. However we will still need logs to be sent per @Coach Kristina's directions. When viewing logs, they can tell us specifically what might be happening in Quicken Simplifi on your side.
Hope this makes sense,
Coach Jon
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Please let me know if I’m incorrect on this but the issue is only on the mobile app. There isn’t a similar Dashboard panel to display the property & Debt in the desktop app. It may also be worth noting that on the Net Worth Panel in the mobile app, the Property & Debt total is also displaying incorrectly. Adding the Banking, Property & Debt and Investments will amount to more than the Total Net Worth amount because the Property & Debt amount is overstated in the calculation due to the zero dollar Debt amount.
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We were able to reproduce this issue on our side, so there is no longer any need for you to submit your logs at this time. In the future, however, if logs are ever requested just know that logs sent from the Quicken Simplifi web application will cover all the information we need from the mobile side as well.
We have reported this bug and will be sure to post updates here as we receive further information on the issue.
Thanks for your patience,
Coach Jon
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Hello everyone,
We went ahead and created an alert for this issue that you may follow instead for updates. Thank you for your patience in this matter!
-Coach Jon