Morgan Stanley (AtWork/StockPlanConnect) FDP-103

nicksmarto Member

I have never been able to get my Morgan Stanley At Work (formerly known as StockPlanConnect) account to be added to Simplifi, always getting the error code FDP-103. For what it's worth, I recall having similar problems with Mint.

When I have asked Simplifi support in the past, the advice is always to double check the username and password. I assure you that this has been done, and I have tried obvious troubleshooting like changing passwords, copy/pasting passwords directly, and verifying that the same credentials work at the login page. I have even tried switching on/off 2FA.

Seems like others are having this problem:

Can anything be done about this?



  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @nicksmarto,

    Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear you are having trouble with connecting to Morgan Stanley at Work. Before we continue further troubleshooting steps we will want to definitely verify your login information first. Please follow the steps below to verify that information first:

    • Verify the bank selected is the correct instance.
      • You may see several different instances of your bank that you can add in the Add Account screen. Check to see if you’re using the correct one.
    • Verify that your login information is correct.
      • Type your password/PIN into a text application to ensure you don’t have any typographical errors. Then, copy and paste your login information into Quicken Simplifi to ensure accuracy.
    • Verify your login at the bank’s website – Try to sign in to your bank’s website using the same login credentials to ensure you've not locked yourself out of the account and that the credentials are still valid.
    • Check for an app-specific password – Some banks require users to use a specific app password when connecting to a third party. Check with your bank to see if you need to use an app-specific password.
    • Update your credentials – Try temporarily updating your password at your bank's website and then try again to connect to Quicken Simplifi. We recommend NOT using the following special characters: & < > / \.

    I also know that Morgan Stanley has a third-party authorization setting that needs to be enabled on their website for third-party access. If third-party access is not enabled, you may receive various error codes. I am not sure if that is a setting with Morgan Stanley at Work, but it may be good to verify this on the bank website.


    Coach Jon

  • Verify the bank selected is the correct instance. - Same URL as the login I use.
    Verify that your login information is correct. - Re-read my post, I have definitely verified this.
    Verify your login at the bank’s website - Re-read my post, I have definitely verified this.
    Check for an app-specific password – I've been through all the help articles I can find. There does not seem to be such an option.
    Update your credentials – Done, no effect.
    We recommend NOT using the following special characters: - It doesn't.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @nicksmarto,

    Thanks for the reply! Did you verify if the FI website has a third-party access setting, and that it is enabled?

    Additionally, if you could provide the following information, this would be helpful in determining the next steps regarding this issue:

    • The name of the account(s), as it appears in Quicken Simplifi (if it has been added previously).
    • The name of the account(s), as it appears on the bank's website.
    • Has there been any recent changes made to the bank's website or its sign-in process?
    • What is the exact URL you use to log in to your account on the bank's website?
    • What type of account(s) are you attempting to connect in Quicken Simplifi?
    • A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances (feel free to redact any personal info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
    • The format of your password (DO NOT provide your actual password!). For example, "Quicken123$" would be coded as "Xxxxxxx###$", where a capital "X" indicates a capital letter, a lowercase "x" indicates a lowercase letter, and a "#" indicates numbers; the actual special characters used will need to be provided.

    You may feel free to send this information via DM to me if you wish.


    Coach Jon

  • I have the same issue, setting up Morgan Stanley (AtWork/StockPlanConnect) never worked for me.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @Chary,

    Thanks for reaching out! I would suggest trying the steps I listed earlier in this thread first!


    Coach Jon

  • Thank you for your prompt response, but I believe my initial message was quite clear that I have already exhausted these basic troubleshooting steps. I have meticulously double-checked my credentials, tried various password variations, and even toggled 2FA on and off, all to no avail.

    I'm hoping for more targeted assistance that addresses the specific error code FDP-103, rather than generic troubleshooting advice. Perhaps there's a known compatibility issue with Morgan Stanley At Work, or a specific setting I need to adjust within Simplifi. Any further insights would be greatly appreciated.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @nicksmarto,

    Thanks for the reply. My previous reply was to another user in this thread. Have you been able to get the information I requested previously? As I stated before, it would be helpful in determining the next steps for this issue.

    Thank you,

    Coach Jon

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