Simplifi pricing - was $47 now is $71



  • Bgz
    Bgz Member ✭✭✭✭


    You didn’t outright say yes what Simplifi did was wrong. May be you couldn’t or wouldn’t. Either ways it speaks volumes.

    Everyone here knows all about promotions that Simplifi was running last year when Mint was closing down. So it’s not a specific individual deal done just for me. Anyways I know what to expect from now on..!

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    They never made those promises to me, and I started using simplifi around 2020-2021, so i don't know what offers they made when you joined, sorry.

    Rob Wilkens

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2024

    @TheReal702 This does you no good, but others have told me these problems with balances being wrong have gone on for around 2-3 months now (I didn't notice at first because I didn't compare to the bank). These issues were not always here; something broke, but it sounds like they're trying to blame the service providers for the banks, and from what I can tell the bank transactions have nothing to do with the problem - it's the interpretation of the Simplifi-based ("local") pending transactions used to calculate the bank balance adjustment that has the problem, for me the bank transactions are downloading fine and properly clearing (I know you had a problem where pending and cleared transactions downloaded to separate transactions, and that's a different issue which I don't see).. I will stay on top of this problem; it's happening in almost every single account, both in the banking and credit categories.

    Rob Wilkens

  • TheReal702
    TheReal702 Member ✭✭✭✭

    @RobWilk I've continue to follow all of the comments and complaints here. I'm still trying really hard to like the service, but it's so unreliable that I can't trust it. I continue to use QC because it works, and I do have hopes that Simplifi will get their act together. The cloud based system and the features if provides are the only thing keeping me interested in it. There is about 10 months left on my subscription, maybe they fix it, maybe they don't. One thing is certain, if they don't, I leave.

  • Wedo778
    Wedo778 Member ✭✭✭✭

    It seems there has been plenty of evidence that there have been email notifications to people when they are close to renewal. Its often winding up in spam folders, so its understandable that many missed them. I'm nowhere near my renewal so I wouldn't expect one now. It was also raised $2 a month, which is a much less emotional way to describe it than "50%".

    If you have something in writing promising you specific prices for the first two years, then yes they absolutely are obligated to honor that. I have no such guarantee from when I signed up so I can't speak to it. I would just be careful to confirm that they actually were guaranteeing that second year price and they weren't merely saying that it would revert to the full price which at the time was $45.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    I agree with @Wedo778 "I have no such guarantee from when I signed up so I can't speak to it. I would just be careful to confirm that they actually were guaranteeing that second year price and they weren't merely saying that it would revert to the full price which at the time was $45."

    When I joined from Mint last year, I got the same language. Simplifi will charge the prevailing full price at the time of renewal.

    The language on the website now is below. It reads similar to what I had when I signed up last year using a discounted rate. Of course, the expiration "by Date" changes over time.

    "†Discounts are calculated based on the annual price. The final price may differ from the monthly discounted price multiplied by 12 months. All offers are for the first year only when you order directly from Quicken by November 30, 2024. Offer good for new memberships only. Subscription billed annually. Offers listed above cannot be combined with any other offers. Offer does not apply to Quicken Starter. Upon the end of your membership term, the subscription will automatically renew at the then-current rates, unless you or we terminate this agreement."

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • Bgz
    Bgz Member ✭✭✭✭

    I am pretty good at reading terms and I do rememeber it saying 47$ next year. But I cannot prove it as I did not take a photo (which I should have done). Anyways, I had a chat with a Simplifi coach and they offered me a 30% one-time discount which came to 53$ with taxes for 1 year. Next year it will be "normal prevailing rates". I also had a 15% off on Quicken through one of my credit cards and this brings it to where I wanted to be atleast for this year at 45$. So, I will be here for one more year.

    So please reach out to Simplifi as others have pointed out to ask for the discount.

  • I started at $39. Price increased to $48. For Feb, 2025 price increases to $72. I decided to not renew. However, after turning off renewal, I cannot see my payment history anymore. Is this a feature or a bug?

  • cgoneal
    cgoneal Member

    Definitely not worth the increase, not even at the current price!! When this company finally decides to fix all their connection issues, maybe then it might be worth it. Until then there are much better, reliable applications out there.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    Before cancelling for good, reach out to Simplifi. You may get a discount like BGZ above.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • If you turn renew on you can see your previous history. Mine started in 2021 at 29us, for Feb 2025 the price is 72usd, an increase of 248%.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    @toadysimplifi thanks for sharing your price history. Holiday specials are running for new subscribers and existing subscribers only get a price break by complaining to customer service or by cancelling the subscription and being prompted to re-subscribe. The price increase is steep and it is unfortunate timing that data issues reported elsewhere are coming up once the prices increased for existing subscribers. Hopefully, Simplifi can fix the various bugs and issues reported soon.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • I wonder if there could be a "standard" user account and a "premium" with all the bells and whistles. The reality is that my finances don't really require any sophisticated tracking beyond what is currently available. I wonder how many others find themselves in a similar situation? I need to keep an eye on spending and know when bills are coming up, essentially what I used Mint for over a decade. Increasing the price to $72 annually is quite a jump from previous years and I'd hate to have to use a different platform due to cost. $72 is a lot, especially for those who are first setting out and need this more than ever or people starting over and counting their pennies. I don't need a lot from Simplifi but in order to be a lifelong customer and an unpaid promoter of the service, I need the product to continue to offer simplicity in an otherwise chaotic world.

  • dsfreddy
    dsfreddy Member ✭✭✭

    I agree that the new and expensive-to-provide features should be put under a premium account. I don't need or want, for example, account transfer functionality within this paid subscription service. Now there is a banner that cannot be dismissed at the top of each bank account page about account transfers. I consider this an advertisement for a service I am paying for, but do not want. I see there is a stated intention to remove these annoying banners. But they shouldn't have been put there in the first place. It just reminds me of the increasing bloat of the product. Now that is just my opinion, as a paying subscriber.

  • I had been really pleased with Simplifi (first year using it).. until my credit union connection no longer worked (it's now been almost a MONTH with no foreseeable fix). I have cancelled my now expensive renewal because of my ongoing inability to even use the product. I feel that Quicken should offer a discounted renewal price since I haven't even been able to use what I paid for this past month, and who knows when I will be able to use it moving forward.. Why would I pay for something I can't even use?!

  • Bgz
    Bgz Member ✭✭✭✭

    As I mentioned earlier, it doesn’t hurt to chat with the coaches online and ask for a discount for either the current subscription or towards the next years renewal.

  • I'm sorry to hear that Pegsterweb. I do find the chat function helpful with these types of things. Can't hurt to ask.

  • OMG HI
    OMG HI Member

    Wow... I can't believe they are taking such a bold price increase. Guess it's time to go old school and just use the apps every account gives free.

    Really liked this aggregation app but at this point, this isn't just a nickel and dime, it's monopoly. I guess as people leave they will just keep increasing on the rest.

    Good luck and God speed Quicken 🙏

    I live my life one line of code at a time…

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If the bank apps were good enough, i would use them, but for me they're not. For example, if i make an apple card payment of $100, I can indicate that in Quicken today and it will reflect in an adjusted Checking Account Balance. If I rely on the Checking account bank's website, it won't know about that apple card payment for 2-3 business days, and if i'm not careful I'll overdraw my account (i.e. I'll have $75 in checking when the $100 payment hits, it'll result in overdraft fees). This is why i'm vigilant about manual entries in Quicken. If all you're using it for is to collect your bank's balances from different websites, in my opinion you're wasting your money on a tool like Quicken.

    Rob Wilkens

  • RockLee
    RockLee Member ✭✭✭✭

    I don't think it bodes well that Mint, the most popular aggregator at the time, was trashed by Intuit without any effort to make it into a revenue stream. I don't think financial aggregators are money trees. Additionally, things have gotten more expensive in the last few years. While I wished more things worked for my $6/month, I think it's a reasonable price, and I would pay more if additional functionality would be added, bugs fixed.

  • Max1223
    Max1223 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2024

    When Mint went bust, I evaluated 3-4 apps. QS for the most part, gave me the essentials I was looking for. The price back then and today at $70, is still less than the app that I almost went with.

    So l'll hope that QS can do some things to improve "basics" this year vs adding new features that might only apply to a smaller subset of users, where basics, arguably would apply to a larger user base. e.g Zillow, nice to have but not everyone uses this, cost everyone money.

    Basics = Saving reports, removing Tag bugs and in general better Tag features/usage, exclude a tags in a search, provide exports that don't leave out data, better implementation on Splits, etc. etc.

    So looks like I have a year window to hopefully see upgrades AND hopefully NOT have to research competitive products towards the end of next year.

  • dsfreddy
    dsfreddy Member ✭✭✭

    I'm currently evaluating a no cost aggregating alternative. So far, so good. Not as many "nice to haves" but might do the trick.

  • dsfreddy
    dsfreddy Member ✭✭✭

    As a paying customer, in my opinion, no one pays for this service to collect bank balances. And I wouldn't opine on whether they are wasting money in any case.

  • Max1223
    Max1223 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2024
  • Humanleg86
    Humanleg86 Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2024

    Hard pass for me, [removed] here I come! You can't increase the price for a product that has an increase number of bugs with each change! Use basic change control & where's MFA?

  • Emacken
    Emacken Member ✭✭

    I keep a buffer in my checking account specifically so I don't have to worry about overdrawing- a 2-3 day delay is fine by me as long as all the transactions make it in without my having to enter them manually. Different people have different use cases- all I really need is the account aggregation, the spending plan is cute but I could make my own spreadsheet for it if I had to.

  • I received an email that told me my subscription was increasing from $47 to $71. I looked back through my emails from when I first subscribed (for $35.91) and I have the email from Quicken stating that my renewal in Feb. of 2025 would be $47.88. That email was from Quicken. I used that information to proceed with switching to Quicken back in February. I chatted with customer support and was told that I had to wait until after the billing date and then to call in and that MAYBE they would offer to "honor" their own email that stated my renewal would be $47.88 in February of 2025. During the chat, I was told that there were new features added and that's why the cost increased. Fine, I understand that features are added. I wouldn't have a problem with a cost increase, but to $71??? I rent. I don't have a home that I'm pricing on Zillow. That means nothing to me. I'm retired. I just want to make sure I'm staying in my budget. Yes, I appreciate the graphs that show me my progress through the month. I don't want to pay for things I'm not going to use. I chose Quicken "Simplifi" because it was a simple option. Why not make a tier system? If you want those features - then pay for them. Don't expect those of us that don't want it to help pay for it for those that do want it. I've already started looking for other options. We'll see if Quicken listens to their customers.

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