Unable to connect Citibank account due to "User Access Denied" error (edited)
The connection issue was reported as resolved and the conversation was closed, but it is still ongoing. Perhaps the Administrator should wait for feedback before closing conversations. Please see the attached photo of the error I encountered when trying to reconnect to my Citi credit card account.
@RobertoT, thanks for reaching out to the Community!
I'd suggest following these steps to gain a new token and establish a completely fresh connection with the bank:
- Navigate to the bank's website, sign in, and then remove Quicken's access from the bank's third-party linked apps.
- Navigate back to Quicken Simplifi and make all of your Citibank accounts manual by following the steps here.
- Once you see the account(s) listed in the Manual Accounts section under Settings > Accounts, go back through the Add Account flow to reconnect to the bank and reauthorize your accounts.
- Carefully link the account(s) found to your existing Quicken Simplifi account(s) by following the steps here.
Let us know how this works for you!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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thank you for the information. Unfortunately, following these steps re-connected the account, however, the Simplifi app did not allow me to connect the account I had previously made manual. As a result, I have duplicate accounts. One understand Citi and one under Manual accounts. How should I proceed?
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@RobertoT If you don't have a lot of transactions in the manual account, you could move them to the connected account. If there are just too many, you could try starting over, disconnecting and then deleting the duplicate account and following @Coach Natalie's suggestions again. I copied her here to make sure she sees your latest post.
Good luck.
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20090 -
@RobertoT After you connect at the bank end, you should get a pop-up window to add the account, which will have a few pull-donwn menus before you link/add the account. That's the screen where you would link it to an existing account. For me, usually it does this automatically, but it's possible it didn't recognize it as the same account.
Rob Wilkens1 -
@RobertoT, yes, you would want to link the newly established connection to the existing account in Quicken Simplifi instead of adding it as a new account. There is a dropdown option that allows you to "link":
It sounds like you will need to delete the newly created account, and then reconnect to the bank again so you can link the connection to the existing account that's listed under Manual Accounts.
Let us know how it goes!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie