Amount sign reversal on transactions With Interactive Brokers

Recently Simplifi changed the connector for Interactive Brokers from Intuit to Plaid. Since the change it seem that transactions that are fees, dividends, interest and others have a flipped sign for the amount, e.g. fees are positive, money transferred out is positive, dividends are negative. However, assets purchases and sold such as stocks and options are correct. Anyone else?
Hello @RockLee,
Thanks for reaching out! To help us better understand the issue you are going through, can you supply screenshots showing the issue in Quicken Simplifi? Do you mean that your income and expense categories are reversed in the register? Is this for one account or multiple?
Thank you,
Coach Jon
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The transaction amounts have the wrong sign, positive values should be negative, vise versa. I'll post a screenshot the next time I get a new transaction on my brokerage account. This started happening with the switch to the Plaid connector.
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Hello @RockLee,
Thanks for the response. When you can provide that screenshot, let us know! In the meantime, if the issue is only occuring for this financial institution, I would see if Resetting your Account Connection fixes the problem for you.
Thank you,
Coach Jon
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No luck resetting the connection.
here is the latest incorrect transaction which shows a Fee of $4.50 that should be a debit, but it is listed as a credit.. I included past transactions of the same fee before switching to the Plaid connector and they show the fee as a debit correctly:
Here is the same transaction on the Brokerage Side:
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Thank you for your reply,
So that we can look into this issue further, please provide the following information:
- The name of the account the transactions reside in, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
- The Date, Payee, and Amount of 3 example transactions the issue is occurring with.
- A screenshot of the Transaction Detail window for each of the provided examples that shows the "Appears on your statement as…" info (this is easiest to obtain from the Web App).
- A screenshot of the same example transactions from the bank's website showing that they're charges and not credits.
Note - If you are not comfortable posting that information in this discussion, you may send it by DM instead.
Is this issue affecting the account balance in your Quicken Simplifi?
Please also submit logs. To do this, please follow these steps:
- Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
- Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
- With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
- Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.
Thank you!
-Coach Kristina
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account name: Brokerage
transaction 1 on 2024-10-8, this is a withdrawal, should be a debit
transaction 2: 2024-10-3, Interest earned, should be a credit
Transaction 3: 2024-10-2, Service Fee, should be a debit
This started to occur with the Plaid connector. The amount reversals does not effect the account balance. The reverse amounts occur on Interest, fees, transfers, dividends, but not on buying and selling stock or options.
feedback has been sent: reference id 454203559499492609
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Hello @RockLee,
If you can please provide us with a screenshot as soon as you can of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances (feel free to redact any personal info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser), that would help us further in this case.
Thank you,
Coach Jon
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This is the home screen, which shows the two accounts I have with IB. I think this is the closest thing that matches your request, other screens really deal with each account independently.
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If it is of any help, I use another tool that also uses Plaid to connect to Interactive brokers. It also has the same issues. I can provide from this other tool the Plaid meta data for each transaction listed for the bug report.
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@RockLee, thank you! I added the info to the ticket and we will continue to post back with updates.
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@RockLee, hey again!
Sorry for the back and forth, but there was some confusion on what our engineering team needs to work on this issue. What we need from you is:
- A screenshot from the bank's website that lists your transactions and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL. They said "We need a complete picture including the URL of the bank website. We need something that shows a long list of transactions showing how they display the transactions and the transaction range should include recent examples."
Feel free to DM this to me for privacy if you'd like. Thanks!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Hmm, If I understand what you're asking for, Interactive brokers doesn't really provide essentially a log of transactions. This is why the consolidated brokerage account transaction listing on Simplifi is important to me. I can generate a report that may be good enough for what you are asking for. I DM'd you a screenshot of a report of transfers, fees, dividends and Interest for September, full page with URL.
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@RockLee, thank you! I added the info to the ticket. We will continue to post back with updates!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie