Why are "one time" bills excluded from spending plan even though the are unchecked?

Hi there,
First time posting. I'm still trying to figure a lot of things out, and think I have dug quite a hole for myself. I just marked a bill as "one time" and see that it shows up in the "Bills" section of the spending plan, but when I look at the transaction details the "exclude from spending plan" box remains unchecked. I understand why it's in the bills section but because I've been confused about other things, I've had to go back and audit bills and expenses that I checked or unchecked to be excluded. So when I open that transaction, I expect it to have the boxes check for exclusion, which in my mind should've happened automatically based on how Simplifi treats a one time bill. Please help me understand. Thanks in advance!
Best Answer
Hi @jivewalrus
Sorry to hear you're having this problem.
The only transactions that I'm aware of that are excluded from the Spending Plan and Reports by default are transfers and credit card payments. (This article explains the reasoning for this)
I'm not exactly clear on what you are describing but I'll take a stab at what I think you're asking, and you can clarify if you want.
Other than the afore mentioned transfer type transactions, SQ will default to including the transaction in both the Spending Plan and Reports. By making this particular transaction a one-time bill incident, it was assigned to the Bills section of your Spending Plan as you noted. I'm not sure why you would expect it to also be excluded from the Spending Plan. If you want the transaction to be excluded from your Speding Plan then you can select the appropriate exclusion either clicking on the 3-dot menu at the right side of the transaction listing in the accounts page and select the exclude options right from that menu. Or you can click on "View Transaction" from that same menu and in the transaction detail pane you can select the exclusions you want. I'm not sure if set it up as a one-time bill overrode your exclusion choices or not. But that may be what happened. If you had originally selected to exclude the transaction then you set it up as a one-time bill, the one-time bill set up may have disabled your earlier exclusion selection. I'm guessing here based on this from the Managing Recurring Transactions support article:
Mark as one-time bill – Marking a transaction as one-time doesn’t create a Recurring Transaction, but it does ensure that this transaction is included in the Bills section in the Spending Plan.
"…I've had to go back and audit bills and expenses that I checked or unchecked to be excluded."
I'm not sure what you did here. Can you clarify what you are trying to do in this statement?
Simplifi user since 01/22
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