Chase Weekday Balance has the same issues as all the other banks (this is different than weekend)

RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 2:14AM in Report a Bug

Chase checking balance tonight was showing about $87 in simplifi, Chase website was showing over $1500 balance. Clearly there is some bad math going on. Also Chase in simplifi said i had $1111 pending adjustments, but $1500+ minus $1111 is not $87 so the math just isn't mathing, nevermind most if not all those pending transactions are already factored into the bank balance. I sent a bunch of screenshots to @Coach Natalie after 7pm ET (she signs off for the day about then). I hope someone can fix this software/service reasonably soon. The problem is not the service providers. There are probably 1 or 2 bugs causing these problems, they are probably easy to fix but hard to find.

Tomorrow it may or may not be corrected after the next sync, the fact that it eventually may or may not correct is not helpful.

This is NOT the weekend chase issue, this is the generic issue affecting all banks and has nothing to do with the banks.

Rob Wilkens


  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    BTW: I earlier showed this was happening with PenFed (which i will use less now), I guess "technically" I had to put that under a separate subject line for those posts to be acknowledged. I put them all under "Balance issues" as it is a generic balance issue all of the same sort not tied to one particular bank.

    Rob Wilkens