Unable to connect to Schools First FCU due to FDP-103 error (edited)

I’m having a problem connecting to Schools First FCU. FDP-103 error. Have tried several times to enter credentials without success. Credentials work fine on website. Has been going on for a few days.
same issue. Please fix.
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@PTHerv & @swhite005, thanks for posting to the Community!
I'm sorry to hear you're both experiencing connectivity issues with Schools First FCU in Quicken Simplifi. I was able to confirm the FDP-103 error from our end, which indicates invalid credentials. To troubleshoot this particular error, we'll need you both to thoroughly follow these steps:
- Verify the bank selected is the correct instance– You may see several different instances of your bank; check to see if you’re using the correct one.
- Verify that your login information is correct – Type your password/PIN into a text application to ensure you don’t have any typographical errors. Then, copy and paste your login information into Quicken Simplifi to ensure accuracy.
- Verify your login at the bank’s website – Try to sign in to your bank’s website using the same login credentials to ensure you've not locked yourself out of the account and that the credentials are still valid.
- Check for an app-specific password – Some banks require users to use a specific app password when connecting to a third party. Check with your bank to see if you need to use an app-specific password.
- Update your credentials – Try temporarily updating your password at your bank's website and then try again to connect in Quicken Simplifi. We recommend NOT using the following special characters: & < > / \.
Let us know how it goes!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Coach Natalie I checked and credentials are correct. Working fine through bank website. Tried adding the account again in Simplifi and getting same error code. Definitely not a credential issue.
This issue has also been reported by others on Reddit. Been happening for several days now.
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Thank you for your reply @swhite005,
So that we can look into this issue further, please provide the following information:
- The name of the account(s), as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
- The name of the account(s), as it appears on the bank's website.
- Has there been any recent changes made to the bank's website or its sign-in process?
- What is the exact URL you use to log in to your account on the bank's website?
- What type of account(s) are you attempting to connect in Quicken Simplifi?
- A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances (feel free to redact any personal info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
- The format of your password (DO NOT provide your actual password!). For example, "Quicken123$" would be coded as "Xxxxxxx###$", where a capital "X" indicates a capital letter, a lowercase "x" indicates a lowercase letter, and a "#" indicates numbers; the actual special characters used will need to be provided.
If you are not comfortable posting that information in this discussion, you can send the information via direct message.
Please also send us a problem report with log files attached. To do this, please follow these steps:
- Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
- Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
- With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
- Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.
Thank you!
-Coach Kristina
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I am also having the same issue since last week. The last transaction that was successful was on Nov 24, 2024. After that it has not been able to connect and any time I try to establish connection again, I would get the error below. I know it’s not incorrect credentials because I can log in successfully from Schools First website.
“We are unable to connect toto Schools First FCU at this time. Please try again later.
Care: FDP-103”
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Thank you for your reply @ysando,
Please provide the information requested in my earlier post so that we can further investigate this issue.
Thank you!
-Coach Kristina
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@Coach Kristina I sent the information via DM
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Hi - having same issues. Was working fine before and stopped working around the same time as others.
I confirmed direct login access with same credentials thru their website plus their app
Tried removing then adding the account again on Simplifi
Oddly on my simplifi dashboard, it says I have 2x the balance in my checking account. UNFORTUNATELY this is not the case based on the bank's actual site 😁
Please help!
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Hey everyone!
It looks like the FDP-103 error with Schools First FCU is now listed as a known issue with Intuit. Our Community Alert can be followed for updates moving forward:
We appreciate everyone's patience as this issue is worked on!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie