Ability to import transactions from a PDF (edited)

sacrophyte Member
edited December 2024 in Feature Requests

I am backfilling some transactions, and right now I only have PDF versions from a certain bank, which I am manually converting to CSV. Please provide a way for the app to upload, read, and convert a PDF that lists transactions.

I realize this is challenging in that banks do not provide PDFs in a standard format (grrr), and thus a lot of programming logic would be required to properly parse out transactional information (and get rid of the pages upon pages of junk). I've been using Adobe, and even the enterprise conversion tool is not consistent when working on PDFs from a single bank (fun times!).

2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • sacrophyte
    sacrophyte Member
    edited December 2024

    I tried to add some tags, but apparently PDF and conversion do not exist…..

    UPDATE: big THANKS to the moderator(s) who added tags for me. 😊