Poor Banking Connections - Sad

cgoneal Member
edited January 10 in Feedback

It's really sad that a company like this can't fix their connection issues for aggregating accounts. I keep trying to see if the have fixed and I find out that connections I had that used to work now don't! This company will not stay in competition with the market that has this under control, or at least fixes the issue within a reasonable time.

I feel sorry because this could potentially be a really good application. It's sad.


  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @cgoneal,

    Thanks for your feedback! We can understand the frustration you may have when it comes to connection issues in Quicken Simplifi. We usually work as quickly and efficiently as we can to identify and resolve issues. If you ever need to troubleshoot anything specific, we can always help as well. Just be sure to create a separate post for each issue.

    -Coach Jon

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