Ability to rearrange Watchlist items to any order (drag & drop) [edited]

vchan Member ✭✭
edited December 2024 in Feature Requests

The ability to rearrange or reorder the watchlist tiles would be helpful. It would allow me to organize and group them according to my preferred system, as there is currently no option to move the tiles around (e.g., drag and move).

While there are default sorting options such as "Date Created" or "Alphabetical," I would like to request the ability to customize the order and arrange them as I see fit.

4 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    I upvote this ability for both the web app and the mobile app, with the web app having priority.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

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    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present