Filters: Checkbox group parent deselected on mobile (edited)

Randy1234 Member
edited January 3 in Report a Bug

In filter views you may filter by categories.


Select parent checkbox enables parent and all child checkboxes. Save filter selection


All selected checkboxes should remain selected (parent and children) Actual:

The parent checkbox is deselected (children remain selected)

You may categorize something as more general or more specific. Parent categories are the sum of their children AND themselves.

Photo for clarity, you may categorize as “dining & drinks” rather than categorizing everything as a child.



  • Randy1234
    Randy1234 Member
    edited January 3

    Another example likely more generally applicable.

    I track specific health expenses like dentist, medications, etc. under a parent “health” category.

    when my insurance reimburses me I track that as a negative expense in the parent health category (opposed to income as it is not taxed, and skews the income numbers).

    Later in reporting I can select health and it’s children (such as dental) and be able to see the actual total expense after insurance.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Randy1234, thanks for pointing this out!

    I was able to reproduce this issue on the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App. I have reported it and will post back with updates!


    -Coach Natalie