Optional fields should be allowed to be cleared out

Optional fields should be allowed to be cleared out, this is system-wide assumption in my opinion.
I ran into this when cleaning up the business information (for the test business I couldn't remove due to business not allowed to be deleted, there's already a feature request for that)
Steps to reproduce:
- Go to Edit Business > Contact info (optional) > Email
- Verify something has been added to the Email field (if not, do so and probably do a hard refresh of page)
- Remove that something in the Email field verified to exist in step 2
- Click Save button
ISSUE: Email field value doesn't change, it still displays the something added in step 1 above.
I suspect there's some code preventing the field to be set to an empty string, and I also noticed it checks for whitespace as well and doesn't allow updating to a string with just whitespace (space char). Thanks for considering addressing this.
Hello @msw,
Thanks for reaching out! This is something our product team is currently aware of. The Email field should not say/be optional. We are currently working on fixing this bug.
If you do want that field to be optional, I would suggest creating an idea post so that you can request that feature and others could vote on it going forward.
Let us know if this helps!
-Coach Jon