Chartway FCU connection error FDP-102

rking_2002 Member

I have been getting Care code FDP-102 on my main bank account, which hasn't refreshed in over 4 days. I have tried resetting the connection without success. I have also verified that my password doesn't contain any troublesome characters. I have also contacted the bank to see if they could see anything on my account blocking the connection, and nothing.

Any advice on getting this resolved would be appreciated! Since this is my primary checking and savings account, not having it connected makes the app unuseful.


  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @rking_2002,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention! When I test in my Quicken Simplifi, I see the same error and a message indicating the financial institution is reporting connection issues.

    To help contribute to the investigation of this issue, please send logs. To send logs, please follow these steps:

    1. Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
    2. Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
    3. With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback
    4. Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.

    Thank you!

    -Coach Kristina

  • Thank you! I sent the logs reference ID 469091116357472512

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @rking_2002,

    Thanks for the requested logs! The last thing I would have you try is to use a fresh new connection. You can make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection. If the connection is successful, you'll then want to link the accounts to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts. Let us know if that works!

    -Coach Jon

  • Hello, thanks for the reply. I set the existing Chartway account to manual updates and tried adding a new Chartway account. I got the same error as before (We are unable to connect to Chartway Federal Credit Union at this time. Please try again later. Care Code: FDP-102). I went to the local branch and asked them if they could see anything that would be blocking it. They couldn’t see any reason why it would not be connecting. I can log into the bank website and app with no problem.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @rking_2002,

    Thanks for letting us know! I went ahead and escalated this issue and will be sure to follow up here with any status updates going forward. In the meantime, I would suggest you keep trying on your end.

    -Coach Jon

    EWC - 11527413

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin
    edited January 23

    Hello @rking_2002,

    I am back with an update from our service provider. It looks like we are aware of a known issue with this bank and are investigating the issue. In the meantime, I would suggest checking to see if you can connect every other day or so. This can be done by going through the Add Account flow once again and selecting the FI. If the same message about connection issues is present, then the known issue is still being investigated.

    I am sorry I don't have better information at this time. Thank you for your patience!

    -Coach Jon

  • thanks for the update. I will keep trying.

  • Hey Just wanted to give you guys an update. I was able to connect to Chartway CU tonight. I have all my accounts linked back up, and transactions are coming in! Thanks for your help in getting this resolved.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @rking_2002, awesome! Thanks for the update.

    -Coach Natalie