Marking a Transaction with a Future Date Made it Disappear

I marked a charge on one of my credit card accounts with a future date. It said that it would show up as a reminder on the Bills & Payments tab but it has disappeared completely.
It might not be on the bills and payments tab, but it 'should' be on the reminders carousel (I forget if that's the current name of it, they've also called it bills & payments carousel and upcoming carousel I believe), on the web app it's underneath the cash flow chart and additionally you should see the charge affecting cash flow chart. On mobile, you would see it under the Projection option where it shows you balances into the future— also, on the date of the transaction, it should move from the reminders/projection area to the register.
Rob Wilkens0 -
This functionality is definitely buggy. I have several future dated transactions right now that neither show as pending or as bill reminders. The only way I found this transaction was by viewing the bill reminder series, and you can see that the transaction scheduled for Monday is showing as past, but it doesn’t show in either account.
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these transactions are effectively missing and are not reflected in cash flow until they actually post which is super frustrating when I’m trying to plan out bill payments
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Yes, they changed future dated transactions a while back, and I liked the earlier behavior. I try to avoid future dated transactions now.
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20090 -
In my case, this was a reminder that was set up and a future dated transaction shows as “past”
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I understand that future dated transactions are supposed to show up as bill reminders. However, the transaction that I am missing right now is a recurring series payment that is not scheduled until the 10th, and today on the 8th shows up as “past payment” in the series but shows up nowhere else. The only way I found this transaction was by viewing the bill reminder series.
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The transaction also does not show up in the projected cash flow.
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Hello @Engaiging,
Thank you for sharing your experience. Is this the same issue you posted about in this other discussion?
Is this happening in an account that is connected to the financial institution, or is this happening in a manual account? If this is a connected account, is the transaction already showing as pending on the financial institution's side? Is the problem transaction one that you manually created, or did you edit a pending transaction to reflect the future date?
I look forward to your reply!
-Coach Kristina
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Yes, it is the same issue.
The checking account is connected to the financial institution. The Ford Credit account is not because it is not supported.
The transaction is showing pending on the checking account. The problem transaction in this case is neither manually created or edited. As I said, I have a bill series setup for my car payment. I would expect the recurring payment to show as a bill reminder in both the checking account and the Ford credit account until it posts to the checking account. However, as I stated and is shown in the screenshots, the bill reminder shows in neither account and only shows up in the bill series, under Past, when it clearly says "in 2 days".
The same thing is happening on another credit card I have, which is also not linked to an online account because it is not supported. The issue is if the transaction is showing pending on my checking account but the account on the other side of the transaction is not linked to an online account, the transaction just disappears until it posts to the checking account, which is not an appropriate way of handling the transaction. Simplifi either needs to show the pending transactions from the checking account and allow them to be linked to the bill reminder, or the bill reminder needs to show and be reflected in the projected cash flow until the transaction posts. The fact that Simplifi only shows transactions as "pending" if it shows pending in both accounts because they are both linked to online accounts is just terrible design.
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Hello @Engaiging,
Thanks for reaching out! To clarify, is the transaction scheduled for February 10th missing from your register? Or is the transaction present in your register and not currently linked to the series you set up?
-Coach Jon
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It was missing from the register. It did not show up in either account's register in Simplifi, nor did it show up as a reminder on either account.
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Hello @Engaiging,
Thanks for the reply. If the transaction in question is missing and was not already manually created within the register, can you confirm that the transaction was downloaded into Quicken Simplifi? I would also see if a fresh connection resolves this issue. You can make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection. If the connection is successful, you'll then want to link the accounts to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts. Let us know how that goes!
Coach Jon
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You're missing the point. The transaction shows in my account TODAY because it posted today. But while it is pending with my bank, the transaction disappears from reminders and does not show as a pending transaction in Simplifi. It is simply MIA, which impacts projected cash flow when I'm trying to figure out what to pay on other bills. I either have to do the math external from Simplifi or I have to wait until the transaction posts. I shouldn't have to manually create a future dated transaction when I have reminders set up. My subscription is up the end of this month, and I already cancelled renewal. This should not be this difficult.
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Hello @Engaiging,
I do apologize for the frustration you feel. While we've worked hard to ensure that Quicken Simplifi links transactions properly, there may be times when you'll need to manually link a downloaded transaction to a Recurring Reminder. You should not have to create a manual transaction for a future date, however, as linking transactions to Reminders will increase the odds that it matches correctly next time! We are sorry to see you go, but I do hope you come back eventually.
-Coach Jon