Midland National Annuity FDP-106 (edited)

I'm trying (once again) to add an account for Midland National, but getting the FDP-163 error below. I have confirmed the username and password, and can successfully log in to the bank outside of Simplifi. I do have MFA enabled on the website; but when I try to add the account in Simplifi, I do NOT get the MFA prompt, I get the FDP-163 error instead.
Hello @PJLmoney,
Thank you for letting us know about this issue! I have forwarded this to the proper channels for further investigation and resolution. If you would like to contribute to the investigation, please send logs. To do that, follow the steps below:
- Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
- Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
- With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
- Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.
Thank you!
-Coach Kristina
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@PJLmoney, I went ahead and got this issue escalated this morning. I'll let you know if we end up needing logs. Otherwise, I will post back with updates on the escalation!
-Coach Natalie
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OK thank you; I just sent the logs anyway.
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@PJLmoney, can you give this another try and let us know how it goes, please?
-Coach Natalie
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Progress but not yet working. After entering credentials, I did get the MFA prompt this time. I entered the code that I got from SMS, but got an FDP-106 error. I tried again to connect, and got the same error.
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@PJLmoney, thanks for giving it another try and getting back to us! It definitely sounds like they're making progress since you received MFA this time.
The FDP-106 error is a little different, and we need to gather some data from you to escalate it:
- The name of the account, as it appears on the bank's website.
- What type of account are you attempting to connect?
- Has there been any changes made to the bank's website or the sign-in process recently?
- Has there been any activity in the account in the last 90 days?
- What is the exact URL you see after signing into the bank’s website?
- A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances (feel free to redact any personal info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
I look forward to your reply!
-Coach Natalie
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1 - Name = "LiveWell Mutual Fund IRA"
2 - Mutual Fund (IRA)
3 - No changes that I've noticed.
4 - most recent activity was 11/15/2024 (i have been getting this error for a while though, well before 90 days)
5 - Page after signin = https://www.midlandnational.com/group/mnportal/srs-po-ln-app-policyownerlanding#/group/mnportal/srs-po-ln-app-policyownerlanding/accounts
6 - screen shot attached
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@PJLmoney, thank you!
I escalated the FDP-106 error and will post back with updates. In the meantime, I'd suggest making a small transfer to or from the account to generate some transaction activity, as the lack of may be the cause of the 106 error that just started occurring after the escalation for the 163 error came back resolved.
Let us know if doing so works for you!
-Coach Natalie
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This is a retirement account, it's not practical to make random transfers until I'm ready to make strategic changes. The 106 error has been happening since I first tried to set up a connection in October 2024:
https://community.simplifimoney.com/discussion/10331/midland-national-fdp-106-error#latest0 -
@PJLmoney, our service provider came back stating the FDP-106 error is a known issue. We have created an Alert that you can follow for updates!
Thank you!
-Coach Natalie
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Alright, I've bookmarked it, thanks.
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I see that the linked Alert for FDP-106 has been resolved. However, I just tried to add my account and I am still getting FDP-106 after entering my MFA code. Can you un-resolve that Alert and keep working on it? I don't want to have to open yet another case for the same problem. Thanks…
https://community.simplifimoney.com/discussion/11615/new-2-18-25-midland-national-annuity-returns-a-106-error0 -
@PJLmoney, I'm sorry to hear that the FDP-106 error is still occurring for you!
To clarify, the Alert was marked as resolved, as the issue is no longer listed as a known issue with our service provider, so we have no way to track it or know that it's being worked on from their end. We won't be able to re-open the Alert without receiving confirmation from them that the issue is still occurring, which will need to happen through a new escalation. To do so, we'll need a fresh round of data from you as follows:
- The name of the account, as it appears on the bank's website.
- What type of account are you attempting to connect?
- Has there been any changes made to the bank's website or the sign-in process recently?
- Has there been any activity in the account in the last 90 days?
- What is the exact URL you see after signing into the bank’s website?
- A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances (feel free to redact any personal info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
I'm guessing a lot of this is the same as before, and, if so, you don't need to re-share. But we will at least need a fresh screenshot for number 6.
Thank you!
-Coach Natalie
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Hello, still getting FDP-106, so here is the updated information; most of it is the same as before, with the exception of #4. I've also added a new screenshot.
1 - Name = "LiveWell Mutual Fund IRA"2 - Mutual Fund (IRA)
3 - No website or sign-in changes that I've noticed.
4 - most recent activity was 02/15/2025 (an account fee)
5 - Page after signin = https://www.midlandnational.com/group/mnportal/srs-po-ln-app-policyownerlanding#/group/mnportal/srs-po-ln-app-policyownerlanding/accounts
6 - screen shot attached
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@PJLmoney, thank you!
I have submitted an escalation for this and will post back here with updates.
-Coach Natalie
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@PJLmoney, our service provider stated that they implemented a fix. Can you give the connection another try and let us know how it goes, please?
-Coach Natalie
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FDP-106 again
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@PJLmoney, our service provider once again stated that they've implemented a fix. Please give it another try and let us know how it goes! 🤞
-Coach Natalie
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Sorry, no luck. Still getting FDP-106.
I enter my credentials, make a selection for MFA via phone or SMS (chose SMS), enter the MFA code, and get the error.
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@PJLmoney, thanks for giving it another try!
I wonder why they keep saying it's fixed when it's not. We will try one more time with this escalation route before moving to a different route. The other route will take longer, but it will at least produce results. I will post back with the next update!
-Coach Natalie
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Thank you!