QBP: Ability to Create Estimates (edited)

I'm an HVAC contractor.
I use Quickin Simplifi (QS) for my entire business, except creating estimates. If I invoice from QS naturally I would want to create and send out Estimates from QS. However this option is not available. Instead I have to go to a third party program create the estimate there and then when I am finished with the project I then have to go into QS and write down the entire estimate again as an invoice and then send it to my clients. VERY inconvenient.
I simple Create Estimate tab would be just the ticket. That way I could write out the estimate from QS without it registering as having changed any finances and then when I am done with my project I could click Change Estimate to Invoice…or something like that.
Simple fix. It is a fix that I need for QS.
Thank you.