Reports: Add a Comparison View/Report [edited] (4 Merged Votes)



  • arvind
    arvind Member

    Hey Team ,

    Please use graph chart for spending report along with pie chart . Add ability to compare spending with previous months

  • Carlo
    Carlo Member

    this would be very useful, and if I well remember, Mint had it….

  • kierkito
    kierkito Member

    I'd also like to see comparisons on the watch list. Lets look at current month spend and compare to last month and last year same month.

  • NickN
    NickN Member

    I would like to see a monthly spending report comparing this year to last year by category on a side by side basis - as was available in MINT

  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @NickN,

    Thank you for coming to the Community to share your feedback! I merged your request with the existing request. Please bookmark this thread to track the status of the request, since any updates, once available, will be posted here.

    Thank you!

    -Coach Kristina

  • mrchin932
    mrchin932 Member

    It would be great to compare expenses compared to the previous year time period. For example, grocery expenses for the period January - June 2024 (or year to date) compared to grocery expenses for the period January - June 2024. This could easily show users expenses are higher than the previous year, or are lagging. This is something did very well and would be a great addition to Simplifi!

  • Guffyaw
    Guffyaw Member
    edited June 17


    In the "spending over time" report screen I think it would be helpful to be able to generate simple and compound line graphs showing your total spending over the course of the month. This could be overlayed with additional lines reflecting total spending in different categories, although you'd want to be able to toggle the category lines on or off to avoid over-cluttering the graph.

    I really love the ability of being able to click one of the category bars on the bar graph and "zoom in" to see a breakdown of spending within the category. Seeing this in a line graph for spending over the course of the month would be awesome.

    Lastly, if the line graph idea were implemented I think it would be very helpful to be able to call up a comparison line graph for the prior month as well as maybe an "average" over the last 3, 6, or 12 months.

    All of these graphs would allow you to better understand spending over time and see patterns in spending habits beyond just the raw total of amount spent in a particular category.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    This could be helpful, so it gets my vote.

    Rob Wilkens

  • Without horizontal expense analysis, I cannot recommend Simplfi to anyone. The best I can do is suggest they research to identify a different platform.

    Add the feature and I probably stay. It's a FP&A 101-level view so you can see trends at a level that is actually meaningful.

  • ghud
    ghud Member

    Having the side-by-side bar graphs over time like the screenshot in Redraiderr2009's post - that is a very helpful trend to know for putting your spending in context!

  • Odin700
    Odin700 Member

    As a user I would like to see a feature in the Spending Report that provides a chart comparison of my spend in categories from this year compared side by side with the previous year. For example, my spend for groceries, utiltities, car insurance this year vs last year.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 16

    I believe this idea already exists, I don't know the search terms for it though so I cannot refer you to it. Someone hopefully will merge your idea with the existing one so you can pool votes rather than starting fresh.

    Rob Wilkens