This or That...

Coach Blake
Coach Blake Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭
edited January 2023 in The Water Cooler
Let's get to know one another and play a game! Tell us what you prefer this..or...that.

Batman or Superman?
In Which Lauren amp Sarah Reluctantly Watch Batman v Superman Dawn of  Justice  Avenging Force

Spiderman or Venom?
Marvel Exposes Venom as Spider-Man39s Most Overrated Villain

Pepsi or Coke?
Coke vs Pepsi The Difference Is One Simple Ingredient

Video Games or Movies?
Animating for Video Games vs Animating for Movies

Fruity or Chocolatey?
The Chariot  Candy vs Chocolate

Leave a comment below with your favorites! Check below for mine!



  • Coach Blake
    Coach Blake Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭
    I prefer Superman over Batman but Spider-man is my favorite!
    I don't like Pepsi or Coke, I am a Dr. Pepper fan!
    I prefer movies over video games, but music is my passion!
    I prefer fruity over chocolate but sometimes chocolate just hits the spot!
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited November 2021
    Definitely Batman.
    Venom is cool, but I think I'll stick with our friendly neighborhood Spiderman!
    If I had to choose one, it would be Pepsi (preferably Wild Cherry Pepsi), but Sprite all the way for me!
    I definitely prefer movies (or binge-worthy shows) over video games, but I do like to play from time to time.
    I love both (depending on my mood), but chocolate is usually my go-to. 

    -Coach Natalie

  • Jedp
    Jedp Member ✭✭✭✭
    1) Batman. Easy choice. Shoulda had something from Marvel though. ;)
    2) Spiderman. There we go!
    3) Movies. I barely have time for that, let alone video games. If I got into video games it probably will earn me a divorce.
    4) Is there an "all of the above" option? If I had to pick one, chocolate for sure.
  • Coach Nicole
    Coach Nicole Administrator, Moderator admin
    Tough one...but I think I prefer Batman.
    I'm not really into either, but I'd have to go with Spiderman. 
    I don't drink much soda, but when I do, I'm totally a Coca-Cola gal--Pepsi is just too sweet.
    Movies, for sure! I love a good crime documentary. 
    I'm definitely more of a fruity person, but who doesn't love some chocolate-covered fruit! 
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