Ability to Move Simplifi Data to Quicken (edited)

PS CFO Member
edited April 2022 in Feature Requests
I have been using Simplifi since the early days and I am mostly happy with the product.  There continues to be glitches with the transaction upload process and downloading transactions from financial institutions.  Nearly every month I have to manually create reports to reconcile to make sure all there are no duplicate or missing transactions.  Simplifi doesn’t have a reconciliation process.  Most months the Apple Card upload process throws out what it thinks are duplicate transactions.  There are not.  I have opens tickets for over a year with these issues.  I would like to try the more robust Quicken for Mac product but currently there is no known method to transfer the data.

Please create a process to move from Simplifi to Quicken.

24 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • pabielewicz
    pabielewicz Unconfirmed, Member

    need old quicken files to import into Simplifi

  • Quicken imports into Simplifi is a feature that I will need. I plan to move from Quicken Classic at some point and Simplifi could be a good option.

  • I have data from 1998 forward in Quicken Classic and need to maintain it when moving to simplifi. For now we’re stuck. Please make this a priority.

  • jtb36
    jtb36 Member

    Seems like there would be a business case for this on the Quicken side as well to up-sell to a more robust/expensive product. There are features I'm not getting from Simplifi (mostly around reporting) that I would be interested in getting from Quicken, but if I have to do a full restart/manual upload process no matter what it opens me up to evaluating multiple products as opposed to going the path of least resistance.

  • SRC54
    SRC54 Member ✭✭✭✭

    It would just be nice if Simplifi could export and import QFX.

    Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
    Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 2009

  • I am also interested in migrating from Simplifi to Quicken but the inability to transfer my data would be a deal breaker.

  • I am having constant issues with Simplify and it's errors when trying to download Merrill Edge information. Thinking about upgrading to Quicken, which is more expensive, but Simplify has no ability to export info like categories or QFX files. This seems stupid because customers can't upgrade easily. I see people have requested this option since 2022.

    Disappointed with Simplify constant bugs regarding downloading info from a major bank.

  • PS CFO
    PS CFO Member

    I ended up migrating all my simplify data manually to Quicken for Mac. It's a much better product. Not perfect but well worth all my efforts.

  • DanDoug
    DanDoug Member

    Also interested in this feature.