Balance with Pending shows different total even with no "pending" transactions

vr5angel Member
edited November 2022 in Adding and Updating Accounts
I've noticed that every so often the Balance with Pending is incorrect and it seems to be counting cleared transactions as pending. I will manually clear all pending transactions, even though they don't add up to what's displayed in the corner and it still shows a Pending balance even though Simplifi has no more Pending transactions to clear. This also affects the Projected Cash Flow even if I select Bank Balance. How can I find these "pending" transactions


Best Answer

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited October 2022 Answer ✓
    Hello @vr5angel,

    Thanks for taking the time to post to the Community regarding this behavior, although I'm sorry to hear that you're seeing an issue with the pending transactions total in Simplifi. 

    To clarify, does the issue occur with one specific account, or do you see it with different accounts/banks? It is my understanding that manually marking pending transactions as cleared can cause issues with the pending transactions total. With that said, we suggest waiting for 4-6 hours after doing so for your next successful account refresh to see if the issue clears up.

    Additionally, when it comes to the 'Balance with pending' option, changing this also requires a wait of 4-6 hours for the change to be reflected in Simplifi. So, I'd definitely suggest allowing some time to see if the issue corrects itself. You may also consider letting your pending transactions automatically clear instead of manually clearing them to see if doing so prevents the issue moving forward.

    Please let us know how it goes!

    -Coach Natalie
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