Allow Bulk Editing of Category & Tags for Split Transactions (edited)

DannyM Member
edited January 2023 in Feature Requests
Currently, when you bulk edit a selection, it only edits non-split transactions. It would be helpful for the split transactions to also be affected by the bulk edit.

Use case: I have categories for people who often owe me back for things like rent and food (e.g. roommate). When I send an apple cash request at the end of every month for all transactions in his category that I haven't been reimbursed for, I then tag all of those transactions as "Paid." A lot of these, like rent, are split transactions. So I would like his portion of the split transaction to be affected by the bulk edit tool so I do not have to individually edit 20-50 transactions each month.
2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @DannyM,

    Thank you for sharing your feedback with the Community!

    It looks like when bulk editing the Payee and Notes of transactions, the changes will be applied to split transactions. However, I was able to confirm that Category and Tag bulk edits do not get applied to split transactions by design. With that said, I have gone ahead and turned this into an Idea post so other users can vote on it and our Product Team can review it. 

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie