Ability to set the default "Status" of a manual transaction to Pending instead of Cleared (edited)

Scotty Mac
Scotty Mac Member
edited February 2023 in Feature Requests
I'd like to start out by a quick explanation.  I've used Quicken Desktop for years and we've gotten along pretty well.  I do everything manually.  I choose not to have Quicken (and now Simplify) "automatically" do anything for me including tying to bank accounts or bills to pay.  I enjoy using Simplify simply as a "check register" so that my spouse can also see the daily balance moving forward without having to log on to the Quicken program.  I like Simplify enough to actually drop Quicken.

With that being said, here's a feature (again noting that I (and I'm sure others) like to enter everything manually) that would be worth considering:

Ability in Settings (or elsewhere) to set the default of "Status" of a transaction to Pending instead of Cleared.  In order to keep everything straight, once you set the transaction to cleared (again already done by default), you must delete the transaction and re-add it as a Pending as you cannot change the status from Cleared.  It's not clear why you would want to set a transaction to Cleared immediately if the bank hasn't even cleared it yet.
5 votes

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  • pawebb
    pawebb Member ✭✭✭

    We have an Apple Card and the only option is manual. I noticed in the mobile version manually entered transactions are cleared by default and you can’t change it. This is a pain as you have to delete and recreate the transaction on the desktop version as @Scotty Mac described. It would be good to have an account level toggle, much like the “with or without pending” feature.