Have Varying Recurring Bills use average of last six months for the Amount (edited)

jtjones0304 Member ✭✭✭✭
edited December 2021 in Feature Requests
Several recurring bills such as utilities vary each month. Can a feature be added to take the average of the last x months or a seasonal option to look at same bill last year?
12 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • LAMD
    LAMD Member ✭✭

    Agree. You should be able to either set a default amount, use the most recent amount, or get a running average.

  • Coach Paco
    Coach Paco Moderator admin

    @LAMD & @jtjones0304 For recurring transactions that have different amounts every month, you can match that transaction to the recurring transaction so you can keep the reminder going. You would need to click into the transaction and click on the 'is this a bill?' toggle. Once you do, assign it to the preexisting recurring transaction! The suggestion you presented would be supper useful so you wouldn't have to do this every time there is a change in balance.

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    As Coach Paco noted, once you assign a posted transaction to a recurring bill by clicking the dropdown arrow to the right of the transaction, and selecting "Is a bill," Simplifi will continue to recognize and match future bills from the same Payee, even if the amounts are different each month. You can do the same thing for income like paychecks, which often vary by a few dollars each time. However, assigning transactions doesn't automatically change the amount listed on the Recurring Transactions screen. For example, my electric bill varies a lot from winter to summer. I keep the recurring listing as $150 as a placeholder, but Simplifi has no trouble matching electric bills for different amounts.

  • I agree with the initial poster that it would be helpful to have an option to use an average of the last six months for the amount of a recurring bill. I have several recurring bills, such as utilities, that vary each month. I'd like to have an average continuously update in my spending plan for future months