Recurring Linked Savings Transfer in Spending Plan "Other Spending" unexpected

RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 2023 in Report a Bug

I don't know if this is new or maybe a symptom of ‘early access’:

A scheduled savings transfer ($107 around March 27) to checking, is showing up under other spending as “Income” (that is a plus value representing a deposit rather than withdrawal).

The recurring transfer reminder is marked “Hide from Reports” and “Hide from Spending Plan” so i can't do anything to hide it.

This complicates two things:

-Projected Other Spending in future months doesn't seem to factor in Savings transfers like this.

-Do I take the matching ‘savings goal’ spending and now ‘unhide’ it from the spending plan to counter this new spending plan ‘income'.

Any insight on this behavior from anyone would be helpful; thanks.

EDIT: From the spending plan, I could hide it, so I'm okay with this now, but is it new?

EDIT2: The transaction I hid came back, as well as another $1600 transfer -to- savings scheduled —it shows as positive income in ‘other spending’. This messes up my spending plan, but if it's in the name of progress, i guess it's okay (??)

EDIT3: IT APPEARS I CAN SEPARATELY HIDE EACH SIDE OF A TRANSFER NOW (If so, this is great), though it's not clear when i set it that it sticks (or there may be a delay). This is useful, though it will take a little getting used to. EDIT4: In this shot everything's unhidden and it's fine.

Side Note: Yes the dates in 2 screenshots are different on that transaction, that's because when i previously edited the recurring transaction (to toggle ‘hide’), I had to reset the dates for individual instances.

Rob Wilkens



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hello @RobWilk,

    Thank you for posting to the Community regarding this issue, although I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing this behavior in Simplifi.

    To clarify, are the items in question set up as Recurring Linked Transfers, or are they just individual Linked Transfer transactions? If the former, I am also seeing similar behavior. We have a report here of the issues with ignored Recurring Linked Transfer Series ignoring only one side of the Transfer in the Spending Plan.

    I also noticed a couple of weeks ago that Recurring Linked Transfers are showing as transactions in Other Spending instead of as Reminders in Bills. I did get this reported as well. I think the issues may be tied together, and have made sure our Product Team is aware of what's going on. Definitely funky behavior.

    If this is what you're also seeing in Simplifi, please be sure to follow the above-linked post for updates on the issue with only one side of an ignored Recurring Linked Transfer Series being ignored from the Spending Plan. And I will update you here on the issues with Recurring Linked Transfers showing in Other Spending instead of Bills.

    -Coach Natalie


  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    To answer: Yes, it was recurring linked transfers. I ‘bookmarked’ the other report so it should send me any updates via mail, I'm certain it's the same issue.

    Rob Wilkens

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hello @RobWilk,

    Thanks for your patience as this was being researched!

    Apparently, Recurring Linked Transfers showing in Other Spending instead of Bills is by design. This was a change that was made while the Product Team is working on the new “Transfers” bucket (see here). I personally find this a little confusing since the items in question are Recurring and not additional spending, but there's only so much I can do. 🤷‍♀️

    I'm not sure when the new “Transfers” bucket will be released, or what it will look like, but hopefully it helps with Recurring Transfers in the Spending Plan all the way around.

    -Coach Natalie

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Coach Natalie I'm actually very happy to hear this may be by design in anticipation of a new feature, and it appears (while not obvious) there is a method of (maybe) hiding just one side of a transfer. So, if I want to make a particular credit card or savings transfer count as “spending” I can, and if I decide I want to bring money in from savings (preferrably planned) I might be able to mark that as ‘income’.

    Regardless, if I hide both sides from spending plan, if it sticks (it doesn't always) I can get the ‘old behavior’ until this stabilizes.

    Rob Wilkens

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