Citibank credit card balances do not match up

Chrobrego Member ✭✭✭

Simplifi is including 'pending' transactions in the card balance. For example, my Citi website says I have a zero balance since i just paid it off yesterday, but Simplifi says it is $582 (which is the total number of pending transactions that have not hit.) Simplifi shouldn't do this. If the bank doesn't consider these transactions yet in my balance, then my financial software shouldn't either.


Best Answer

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited March 2023 Answer ✓

    Hello @Chrobrego,

    Thanks for sharing your feedback with the Community!

    If you'd like to disable Simplifi from counting pending transactions toward the balance, you can easily do so for all of your accounts, or for individual accounts, by following the steps outlined here. If your bank provides a balance that does not include pending transactions, disabling Simplifi from counting them as well should accomplish what you're looking for.

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie


  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2023

    I like seeing pending transactions in my balance, and bet that is by design.

    If i just wanted the bank balance, i woud not need simplifi and could go directly to the bank website.

    Are you seeing the pending transactions,, or just effects on balance?

    Rob Wilkens

  • Chrobrego
    Chrobrego Member ✭✭✭

    Hi, the pending transactions show up just fine. They are listed as 'pending.' However, the layout is not user friendly because I have some reoccuring bills that are listed as 'pending' by Simplifi as well. This is a problem in other financial software as well. One solution is to color code your own 'pending' transactions from the 'pending' transactions created by the bank. As it stands now, there is no way to tell in Simplifi. Both types are lumped together.

    My original post dealt with the balance amount being reflective of 'pending' plus the actual balance. For me, I want to know what my actual balance is. Yes, I can log into the bank website, but this is why is use financial software so that I don't have to do that for every account; just give me my current balances. Pending transactions should be shown, but perhaps Simplifi could include an option to show either 'Actual' balances or 'Balances with Pending Charges'.

    The issue I'm having right now is that I paid off my cards completely, Citibank typically doesn't clear pending balances for 3-4 days after they initially post, so I NEVER get to see a zero balance on my credit cards. For someone who doesn't carry a credit card balance ever, this is not satisfactory. I want to see that balance zero out and match the zero out balance on the website. Offering pending transactions in the registry is fantastic, but those numbers are 'pending' and not the actual balance yet.

  • Chrobrego
    Chrobrego Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks. That works much better for me without the pending transactions. I would have never have seen that option without you pointing it out.

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