Credit Card Reserves (edited)
Credit Card Spend Reserves
When you contribute to a Savings Goal I love that it shows it under the account:
Account XYZ = 2,000
____Savings Goal = 500
____Available =. 1,500
It would be amazing if you could have credit card transactions do the same. Create an artificial savings goal for each credit card. (Ideally just add a "type" to the goal object so on the UI they can be bifurcated)
They would under the heading Credit Card, just like the savings goal. Just link the credit card account to the checking account the money comes out of, and boom, you know what is extra in that account.
It would look like this:
Account XYZ = 2,000
____Savings Goal = 500
____Credit Card = 300
____Available =. 1,200
The only thing left would be making sure you have the credit card payments withdraw from the goal.
I believe this is important to help people make sure they can pay their cards every month.
I also think you can attract a lot of customers coming from zero-based budgeting.