Account balance is incorrect

Jeannette Member ✭✭✭

this isn't a manual account, for which I saw other posts about incorrect balances. These accounts are linked to my financial institution. I made a manual entry which is a transfer between 2 accounts but neither are showing the correct balance. I marked them both as Cleared so they wouldn't be considered pending and tried changing the balance shown from bank balance to with pending and back and still it is incorrect.



  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Whether or not you know this, marking a pending transaction as cleared causes those transactions NOT to be subtracted from the balance at the bank… If they're cleared, they're assumed to be in the bank balance.

    Rob Wilkens

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hello @Jeannette,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Community regarding this issue, although I'm sorry to hear that you experienced a balance discrepancy in Simplifi.

    Since Simplifi is designed to always stay in line with the balance provided by your bank, adding manual transactions should not impact the balance unless they are 'Pending' and the 'Balance with Pending' option is enabled; more details on how Simplifi calculates account balances can be found here.

    With that said, however, there can sometimes be a delay in the balance updating properly when manually entering transactions in a connected account. All that's needed to resolve the discrepancy is signing out and back into Simplifi. Please go ahead and give this a try and let us know how it goes. If the issue persists after doing so, we do also have a Support Article available here that goes over troubleshooting balance discrepancies.

    Additionally (as a side note/for future reference), if you see an issue with the balance after entering a manual 'Pending' transaction and you'd like to change whether or not Simplifi counts pending transactions toward the balance by adjusting the 'Balance with Pending' option, you will need to wait 4-6 hours for the next successful refresh to see the change reflected in Simplifi.

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie

  • Jeannette
    Jeannette Member ✭✭✭

    I think this was a delay in reporting the correct bank balance, it resolved itself the next day. Was just frustrating at the time to not be able to see the correct numbers.

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