Missing a range of credit card transactions (edited)

Lauren M
Lauren M Member

Some of my credit card transactions on our Capital One card aren't being downloaded into Simplifi. I'm missing transactions between May 17 and May 30. I tried removing the account from Simplifi, then adding it in again, but that didn't work. We changed to a new Capital One account in May, but kept the same card number. Would that have caused this problem? How can it be fixed?

Best Answer

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Lauren M,

    Thanks for posting to the Community regarding this issue, although I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing missing transactions in Simplifi.

    First, please take a look at the information outlined in our support article here to troubleshoot missing transactions. If no culprits are identified, there are a few options. It sounds like the account is updating fine as of now and new transactions are downloading, and it's just the range of transactions that are missing. If this is the case, you can do either of the following to manually resolve this matter:

    1. Manually enter the missing transactions — https://help.simplifimoney.com/en/articles/3348103-managing-transactions-in-simplifi
    2. Import the missing transactions via a CSV file — https://help.simplifimoney.com/en/articles/4413430-how-to-manually-import-transactions

    The third option would be to escalate the issue from our end, which would most likely take a few days. If you decide you'd rather go the escalation route, please start by providing us with a few example transactions that are currently missing with the Date, Payee, and Amount, so we can take a closer look from our end.

    -Coach Natalie

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