Investment Transactions & Spending Plan

mellis87 Member
edited August 2023 in Using the Spending Plan


It was previously announced that investment transactions would begin to appear under the spending plan, purely for informational purposes and would not be calculated into the monthly spending plan cash flow. However, it appears this is not the case.

As you can see in the attached screenshot, there is a sizeable "+" dollar amount under "Uncategorized" which is the summation of the various investment transactions to date. This dollar amount is being added to the rest of the spending to offset the total amount of "other spending" spent. This is ultimately skewing the cash flow for the month as investment transactions should not be considered normal income.

You can verify this by adding up the total amount spent to date across the various categories, and subtracting that from the dollar amount of "uncategorized" (which is where the investment transactions are grouped), and your total will be the dollar amount of "Other Spending" on the left.


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