When spending plan "other spending" total is positive, put a + (plus) sign (edited)

RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 2023 in Feature Requests

One of my spending categories is "casino" — I might withdraw from it, say $200, and if i win enough I might deposit back the winnings. This lets me track wins and losses over time by looking at the category.

This particular month, the "casino" category is positive, and displays as positive in the other spending bubbles (factoring in other "other spending"). To illustrate where it's right:

However, on the left side of the spending plan on the web app, other spending just lists the dollar amount without the plus sign. (Normal spending has a negative sign).

The $262.09 total for other spending, in my opinion, should display as "+$262.09" because it looks like spending when actually it is the opposite.

Rob Wilkens

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