Mobile Releases 4.10.0 & 4.10.1

Coach Natalie
Administrator, Moderator admin
Hello All,
Here are the issues and features we were able to tackle with the 4.10.0 & 4.10.1 Mobile Releases:
- FIXED: Unable to engage in screensharing with Chat Support on iOS.
- FIXED: Erroneous options presented when clicking the three-dot menu for Refund Reminders.
- FIXED: 'Expected date' needs to be removed from Savings Goals with no target goal date and a $0 monthly contribution amount.
- FIXED: Zero data state message missing for the Income and Savings Reports.
- FIXED: Payee Name filtering is case-sensitive.
- FIXED: X-axis in Reports is marked as "Invalid DateTime" when there is no data for daily date ranges.
- FIXED: Able to use the "Exclude" options for some Investment Transaction Types that are not supported for this function.
- FIXED: Refund Tracker is missing the 'Delete' confirmation button.
- FIXED: Connected loan accounts are showing transactions.
- FIXED: User receives a "Something went wrong" error when creating a new Category.
- FIXED: User receives an "An error occurred" message when editing a Category.
- FIXED: Crash when Passcode is enabled.
- FIXED: Various errors and crashes.
- UPDATED: Some of the coloring across the app.
- UPDATED: Investment Transactions and Accounts to be ignored from Reports and the Spending Plan by default.
- UPDATED: The warning dialog box for deleting a Recurring Transfer versus a Transfer Transaction needs to differ so the type of Transfer is distinguishable.
- UPDATED: UI for the 'Balance with Pending' settings for accounts.
- ADDED: The ability to hide closed accounts from the Accounts List.
- ADDED: The ability to hide Savings Goals from the Accounts List.
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Thank you!
-Coach Natalie
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