Random Savings Goals are not being added up correctly

The SG card for my Washington Post subscription says I'm one month behind. When I look at the details for this goal, I see something very strange.
The target amount is 128.40. Saved so far is 27 (26.62 actually, not sure why this number is rounded). Target date is May (7 months from now. Doing the math, 128.40-26.62=101.78. Divide that by 7 months and you arrive at 14.54 per month in order to meet the target.
Yet when I feed that number into the form, it say's I'll hit the target late and advises me to change the target date to a month later, or change my monthly contribution to even less than I'm proposing. 12.73 per month times 7 months = 89.11, 12.67 less thann the 101.78 I need to have enough to pay for the subscription.
It gets weirder. If I look at the SG in the Savings Plan, it has contradictory information.
Here we see that I have contributed $14.54 this month (I did that on the afternoon of Oct 1), but it's telling me also that I've only contributed $12 of $15 (again, not sure the point of rounding the numbers).
Looking back in prior months in the Spending Plan, I can see that this has happened with other SGs in prior months - not just WaPo.
Also, I see that my SG for America's Test Kitchen subscription is displayed as though I only made a partial contribution, yet it says I contributed 100%. If I had to guess, I'd suppose that I had a typo and entered in 8.10 or something instead of 8.11, but with the numbers being rounded it's impossible to be sure.
Anthony Bopp
Simplifi User Since July 2022Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye
I saw something similar this morning and was looking into it just as your post came in.
I started yesterday with a $-300 contribution (withdrawal from goal)
There was a $10 test deposit from (i thought) credit union account, but i wasn't able to withdraw it so I presumed it failed, credit union full $10 balance was available.
I then contributed $10 and withdrew $10 from a credit union account to play with that
Then I contibuted $310 from checking (temporary) to make it a positive contibution
It then said I contributed $20 when it should have said $10
I will actually be depositing $400 (cash) to the savings goal later today, but that doesn't explain where the $10 came from.
The only thought is somehow i had $10 undeposited from normal savings and contributed from that, but that seems unlikely.
Rob Wilkens0 -
Oh…never mind my case. I was misreading the Spending Plan. That number on the far right isn't what I contributed. It is my target contribution which, if I edit the goal's target amount, will lead to a display for the current month of only having made a partial contribution, even though before editing it was a fulll contribution
I am still confused why it advises me to change my monthly contribution to a value that is too low to reach the goal, though.
Anthony Bopp
Simplifi User Since July 2022Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye
1 -
Mine's "probably" ignorable, too. It seems unlikely to me that I would've had exactly $10 uncontributed (available) from my main savings account (I usually contribute full amount of that account), but given that even with my glasses on I've often got poor vision, I could've misread it last time I withdrew/contributed.
It was odd, but i can't prove it wasn't my fault.
EDIT: I remember over the weekend transfering $10 to savings, so mine is fully explained.. Wish I could delete my posts.
Rob Wilkens1