Ability to view any month in the Monthly Summary Report (edited)

System Administrator admin
edited June 11 in Feature Requests

This discussion was created from comments split from:

Saved Filters in Reports and Registers [edited] (2 Merged Vote).

9 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Lee B
    Lee B Member ✭✭

    Why does the Monthly Summary Report show the previous month? I want to see the current month. But better, why isn't there a drop down where I can choose any month now or in the past?


  • brad08
    brad08 Member

    It would be nice to have the monthly summary save a rolling 6-12 months history that we can look back on (add a backwards/forwards arrow to toggle through months). I realize that I can do that indirectly through other reports, but having the specific monthly summary view for prior months would be nice.


    Simplifi user since December 2023

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Voted for this. I never considered it before, but I think it's a good idea.

    Rob Wilkens

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    Agree and upvoted!

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • Varun
    Varun Member

    Agree, how do i upvote ?

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @Varun,

    To upvote an idea post, just click the up arrow here:


    Coach Jon

  • bost.05
    bost.05 Member

    @Coach Jon Are you sure, because it does not let me upvote this either. I've noticed the posts that do allow me to upvote appear like this with two arrows:

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @bost.05,

    Thanks for the reply. You should be able to vote now.


    Coach Jon

  • chiphum
    chiphum Member
    edited June 30

    I like the Monthly Report but I would also like to see past ones too.

    [Merged Post]

  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @chiphum,

    Thank you for coming to the Community to share your feedback! Since there was an existing Idea asking for the same functionality, I merged your Idea with the existing one. Ideas that get enough votes may be implemented in the future!

    Thank you!

    -Coach Kristina