Fidelity Investment Transactions Downloading as "Payment/Deposit" and "Uncategorized" (edited)
Transactions uploaded from Fidelity investment accounts are parsed incorrectly. Basically, most transactions action is set to "Payment/Deposit" and the category is "Uncategorized." For example, see the following two transactions:
Quicken classic does not have any problem handling these transactions correctly.
@yfor11, thanks for reaching out!
With Investment Transactions being a fairly new feature in Quicken Simplifi, our product team is still working out some kinks. The issue with all Investment Transactions downloading as "Payment/Deposit" and "Uncategorized" is one of the known items they're working on. In the meantime, you can edit the Investment Transactions to the proper Type (Reinvest, Dividend, etc.) to correct the issue.
You can also leave your feedback regarding this behavior in our Investment Transactions Feedback post, as other users have done as well:
We appreciate your patience as we continue to work on this!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie